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单词 contrivance
释义  con·triv·ance /kənˈtraɪvəns/ noun formal  1  [countable] something that is artificial or does not seem natural, but that helps something else to happen – usually used to show disapproval 不自然的东西,矫揉造作〔一般含贬义〕 A ridiculous series of plot contrivances moves the film along. 一个个可笑而又牵强的情节推动影片故事发展下去。2  [countable, uncountable]PLAN a plan or trick to make something happen or get something for yourself, or the practice of doing this 安排,圈套,计谋 Harriet’s matchmaking contrivances 哈丽雅特的做媒计划3  [countable]MACHINE a machine or piece of equipment that has been made for a special purpose 发明物,新装置 a steam-driven contrivance used in 19th century factories 19世纪的工厂使用的一种蒸汽动力装置Examples from the Corpuscontrivance• But the 1996 World Cup was something of a contrivance, a made-for-promotional-purposes event.• This was a steam-driven contrivance used in 19th century clothing factories.• Another visitor who arrived just before the Bigelow party took one look at the flimsy contrivance and declined to descend.• Documentary began to be deserted in favour of contrivance and artifice.• At Midvale and elsewhere, he would invent machines and other contrivances, a number of which he patented.• a plot contrivance• In this way a social contrivance appears to be founded on the natural order of things.• My irritation at the contrivance lasted for 30 seconds.• In the absence of the contrivance, the increase would not occur.• He never was in earnest, Cadfael reflected with certainty, and it would spoil his sport to use contrivance.con·triv·ance nounChineseSyllable   but seem Corpus is or does something not artificial natural, that




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