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单词 conspicuous
释义  con·spic·u·ous /kənˈspɪkjuəs/ ●○○ adjective  1  OBVIOUSvery easy to notice 显著的,显眼的;引人注目的 OPP inconspicuous The notice must be displayed in a conspicuous place. 通告一定要贴在显眼的地方。 a bird with conspicuous white markings 一种长有醒目白斑的鸟 I felt very conspicuous in my red coat. 我穿着红外套,感觉自己十分显眼。► see thesaurus at obvious2  VERYconspicuous success, courage etc is very great and impressive 〔成功、勇气等〕引人注目的,惹人注意的 He had represented Italy with conspicuous success. 他代表意大利取得了令人瞩目的成功。 The award is given for notable or conspicuous achievement in science. 这个奖项是为科学领域中的显著成就而颁发的。3  be conspicuous by your/its absence THEREused to say that someone or something is not somewhere where they were expected to be 〔本应在场却〕因缺席而引起注意 a group that were conspicuous by their absence from the awards ceremony 因缺席颁奖仪式而引人注目的一个组合Examples from the Corpusconspicuous• I don't want them stabling their mounts here, it'd be too conspicuous.• If so, this series is unlikely to have been conspicuous after the third quarter of the second century.• In no direction was the ability of McClellan so conspicuous as in organizing.• Cuzco's few tourists are conspicuous as they explore the old cobbled streets.• In fact, they are conspicuous by their absence.• Perhaps the most conspicuous example of this well-intentioned foolishness is the minimum wage.• They flower as a rule above the water surface and, unlike the preceding group, they develop more conspicuous flowers.• Johnson received a medal for conspicuous gallantry.• It was a small country town, and Lauren looked very conspicuous in her fashionable New York clothes.• Downtown business owners say they want the city's homeless shelter moved to a less conspicuous location.• A conspicuous, stationary owl is a major target for mobbing.• In fact, it would seem to be quite the reverse: Gaudy males should be more conspicuous to their enemies.Origin conspicuous (1500-1600) Latin conspicuus, from conspicere “to get to see”, from com- ( → COM-) + specere “to look”con·spic·u·ous adjectiveChineseSyllable  very easy notice to Corpus




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