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单词 pacemaker
释义  Related topics: Hospital, Illness & disabilitypace·mak·er /ˈpeɪsˌmeɪkə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. MHa small machine that is placed inside someone’s chest in order to help their heart beat regularly (心脏)起搏器2. (also pacesetter) a person or horse who goes to the front in a race and sets the speed that the others must try to achieve 领跑人;领跑的马Examples from the Corpuspacemaker• His pals from the Cheltenham club are going to take it in turn to swim alongside as pacemakers and companions.• Some have speculated that the headaches may be related to a periodically discharging biologic pacemaker, perhaps located in the hypothalamus.• The aim is to stay in touch with the promotion pacemakers before a run-in of five home games out of seven.• Hetton are only a point off the pacemakers after they won by six wickets Langley.pace·mak·er nounChineseSyllable   Corpus placed machine a inside that small is




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