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单词 concordance
释义  Related topics: Linguistics, Computerscon·cor·dance /kənˈkɔːdəns $ -ɔːr-/ noun  1  [countable]SL an alphabetical list of all the words used in a book or set of books, with information about where they can be found and usually about how they are used 〔书中按字母顺序排列的〕语词索引 a Shakespeare concordance 莎士比亚语词索引concordance to a concordance to the Bible 《圣经》语词索引2  [countable] a list of all the words in a book, magazine etc, held on a computer database, showing every example of a particular word in the book etc 〔计算机显示的〕语词检索,语汇检索 concordance lines 检索行3  [uncountable] formalLIKE/SIMILAR the state of being similar to something else or in agreement with it 相似;一致;协调 the concordance between the proposals 两项建议间的一致性Examples from the Corpusconcordance• About 2,000 concordance lines were obtained for each test word, taken from a 22 million-token corpus.• Concordances produced by computer may differ from traditional hand-made concordances in several ways.• "There is apparent concordance among the unions, " Buford said.• Similarity in a trait is measured with a value called concordance.• Importantly, the difference in concordance rates could not be accounted for by the different concordance rates for alcoholism alone.• Ozenfant sought to discover consistent elements of form in nature: concordances, laws, a universal and harmonious language of art.• Instead, the concordance rate has been found to lie between 35 and 58 percent.• Hence it is difficult to determine whether concordance in monozygous twins is due to shared genes or shared early environment.con·cor·dance nounChineseSyllable  all the list Corpus an of alphabetical words




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