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单词 compassion fatigue
释义  comˈpassion faˌtigue noun [uncountable]  if you are suffering from compassion fatigue, you have stopped feeling sympathy for people and do not want to give any more money to help them, because you have seen so many reports on television, in newspapers etc about other groups of people who are in trouble 同情疲劳(症)〔由于在电视、报纸等上面看到太多关于人们遭遇困难的报道而不再同情并不再愿意出钱帮助的心态〕 Some donors, battered by so many appeals for help, may find themselves battling compassion fatigue. 面对如此之多的求助,有些捐赠者可能会产生同情疲劳。comˈpassion faˌtigue nounChineseSyllable  




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