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单词 comment
释义 Word family  noun comment commentary verb comment  com·ment1 /ˈkɒment $ ˈkɑː-/ ●●● S1 W2 AWL noun  1  [countable, uncountable]OPINION an opinion that you express about someone or something 意见,评论 SYN remarkcomment on/about his comments about asylum seekers 他对寻求政治庇护者的评论 He was fined for making abusive comments to the referee. 他因谩骂裁判而被罚款。no comment (=used by people in public life when they do not want to answer questions) 无可奉告〔公众人物不想回答问题时说的话〕2  [uncountable]CRITICIZE criticism or discussion of something someone has said or done 〔对某人所说的话或所做的事情的〕批评;议论 The speech received much comment in the press. 这番讲话引来了媒体热议。3  be a comment on something SHOW/BE A SIGN OFto be a sign of the bad quality of something 是反映某事物不足之处的标志,是某事的写照 The number of adults who cannot read is a sad comment on the quality of our schools. 成人文盲之多是我们学校教育质量可悲的写照。 COLLOCATIONSverbsmake a comment 作出评论Everyone was making appreciative comments about the delicious food. 每个人都对美味的食物表示赞赏。have a comment (=want to make a comment) 有意见要发表Do you have any comments on that, David? 你对此有何评论,戴维?pass (a) comment British English (=give an opinion) 发表看法He looked at my photos but he didn’t pass comment. 他看着我的照片,但是没有发表意见。invite comment(s) (=ask people to give an opinion) 邀请别人作出评论The website invites comments from people who visit it. 网站邀请访客作出评论。welcome comments (=be glad to hear people’s opinions) 欢迎评论nWe would welcome your comments and suggestions.receive comments 获得评论nIt is very helpful to receive comments from the public.adjectivesa brief/quick comment 简短的评论I just want to make a very brief comment. 我就想作个非常简短的评论。a helpful/constructive comment (=one that helps you make progress) 有用/有建设性的意见Pay close attention to your teacher’s constructive comments. 认真听取老师有用的意见。a positive/negative comment 正面/负面的评论There were some very positive comments in the report. 报道里有一些非常正面的评论。a critical comment 批评The school has received critical comments from inspectors. 学校受到了督察员的批评。(a) fair comment (=a criticism that is reasonable) 公正的批评I accepted as fair comment 90% of what he said. 我认为他的话90%是公正的。a snide comment (=unkind and made in a secret or indirect way) 挖苦的话语nShe made some really snide comments about you when you weren’t here.a disparaging/derogatory comment (=criticizing someone or something in an unpleasant way) 贬低的话语nNever make disparaging comments about a colleague’s scathing/damning comment (=a very critical one)There were a lot of scathing comments about the appreciative comment (=showing that you think something is good or nice) 褒扬的话语nAppreciative comments may improve your staff’s performance.a sarcastic comment (=in which you say the opposite of what you mean, as an unkind joke) 讽刺的话语nI tried to stay calm, despite his sarcastic casual comment (=not very serious or important)I only made a casual comment about finding the work a bit boring.a passing comment (=a quick comment made without thinking about it very carefully) 脱口而出的话nShe got upset about a passing comment I made about her shrewd comment (=good at judging people or situations)His newspaper article is always full of shrewd wry comment (=saying that something is bad in an amusing way)‘Perhaps the food could be improved, ’ was the wry comment of one bitter comment (=an angry one)Several pensioners passed some bitter public commentThe jury are forbidden from making public comments. THESAURUScomment something that you say or write in order to give your opinion 评论,意见Does anyone have any comments? 各位有何评论?Readers are invited to send in their comments and suggestions. 欢迎读者来函提出意见和建议。remark something that you say 话语,言语Just ignore them if they start making rude remarks. 他们要是出言不逊,就不要理睬他们。I’m not sure what he meant by that last remark. 我不知道他最后一句话是什么意思。point something that someone mentions about a subject in a discussion, argument, article etc 论点,观点That’s an interesting point, Steve. 这个观点很有意思,史蒂夫。He raises (=mentions) a number of important points in his paper. 他在论文中提出了一些重要的见解。observation a comment in which you say what you think or have noticed about something 〔根据所见所闻提出的〕看法,观点Karl Marx made the observation that history repeats itself first as tragedy, second as farce. 卡尔·马克思说过: 历史总在重复——第一次是悲剧,第二次是闹剧。aside a comment made in a low voice, that you intend only certain people to hear 悄悄话,低声说的话‘Is that true?’ she whispered in an aside to Don. “真是那样?”她低声问唐。quip /kwɪp/ a clever and amusing comment 俏皮话She knew she should reply with some light-hearted quip. 她知道自己应该说点轻松的俏皮话来作答。dig informal a comment you make to annoy or criticize someone 挖苦的话I’m tired of her little digs at me. 她总是不痛不痒地刺激我一下,我很反感。taunt /tɔːnt $ tɒːnt/ a comment intended to make someone angry or upset 辱骂,奚落,嘲笑,挑衅的言辞The fans made racist taunts throughout the game. 球迷们整场比赛都用种族歧视的言语进行挑衅。Examples from the Corpuscomment• OK, that's what we are suggesting - does anyone have any comments?• That talk was fanned by comments from central bank officials.• But some dissenting comments made in private were unprintable.• The jurors were not available for comment after the trial.• Acevedo could not be reached for comment.• Bohan said county park officials are still gathering comments from the public about the proposal.• Her comments on interest rates had little impact on financial markets.• Or a math or science teacher who made inappropriate comments throughout the year.• We were discussing her new movie, and Jill made some interesting comments about it.• Are there any questions or comments?• Here are some examples of ways in which individual teachers have explored particular comments or happenings.• Double Glazing is where we welcome your questions, comments, and experience with Windows.• There is a set time allowed for the council to receive comments on an application.• He made some comment about my dress, then carried on reading his comment• Nice try, but no comment.• A Gillette spokesman also had no comment.• His lawyer, Frank Carter, said Mr Watt had no comment on the case.• I have no comments I guess.• Kushner was not in his office yesterday afternoon, and a secretary said he would have no comment.• He flushed and made no comment.• The committee made no comment but as far as can be ascertained, no action was taken; more urgent matters required attention.• Peace Corps officials made no comment to the press.comment2 ●●○ S3 W3 AWL verb [intransitive, transitive]  SAYto express an opinion about someone or something 评论;发表意见 SYN remarkcomment on People were always commenting on his size. 人们总是对他的个子品头论足。comment that Smith’s lawyer commented that the decision was ‘outrageous’. 史密斯的律师称这个判决“让人无法容忍”。► see thesaurus at say→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscomment• She restrained her impulse to comment.• Journalists asked General Curran how the campaign was going, but he refused to comment.• Gateway and Compaq declined to comment.• I got the usual stuff people get; there were always insensitive professors and they comment.• ""He only wears those clothes to prove that he's rich, '' commented Harold.• Isetan would not comment on how much the bankruptcy filing might cost it, or on Barneys' threatened lawsuit.• The prime minister was asked to comment on the crisis.• A spokesman for the administrators would not comment on whether Mr Maxwell had answered the questions.• A spokesperson for Genovo declined to comment, referring all questions to Wilson, who could not be reached.• I might also comment that she seemed to know what the quotation marks represented on the page.• Some critics have commented that the film lacks originality.comment that• Academic freedom does not protect materials, discussions, or comments that are not relevant to the assigned subject.• I have already commented that colours will not show up unless the intensity of the light is sufficiently great.• May I put some of the comments that have been made into a broader context.• I was previously commenting that I d like us to score another and break the 2 goal hoodoo.• Several critics have commented that the movie is unnecessarily violent.• But he also comments that the welfare analysis of restraints is quite equivocal.• One chairman has commented that tribunals operate a sliding scale of formality.• Sir David returned to his previous comments that universities were being swamped by paperwork.• One user commented that when the procedure for access keeps changing, this presents him with further problems.Origin comment1 (1300-1400) Late Latin commentum, from Latin, “invention”, from comminisci “to invent”com·ment1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1comment2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   about that you opinion someone express Corpus an




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