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单词 Comfort
释义 Word family  noun comfort discomfort comforter adjective comfortable ≠ uncomfortable comforting verb comfort adverb comfortably ≠ uncomfortably comfortingly  Comfort trademark  na type of fabric conditioner (=liquid for making clothes feel soft), sold in the UKcom·fort1 /ˈkʌmfət $ -ərt/ ●●○ W3 noun  1  physical 身体的 [uncountable]COMFORTABLE a feeling of being physically relaxed and satisfied, so that nothing is hurting you, making you feel too hot or cold etc 舒适感,满足感 → comfortable, discomfortbuilt/made/designed for comfort All our sports shoes are designed for comfort and performance. 我们所有的运动鞋设计都讲求舒适和性能。too hot/high/tight etc for comfort (=physically unpleasant for a particular reason) 热得/高得/紧得等不舒服 The temperature was too low for comfort. 气温低得令人不舒服。 I dress for comfort, not fashion. 我穿衣服只讲舒服,不追求时髦。 Alan was very reluctant to leave the warmth and comfort of the fire. 艾伦很不情愿离开暖和舒适的火堆。in comfort Upstairs is a more intimate bar where guests can relax in comfort. 楼上是一个更温馨的酒吧,顾客在那里可以舒适地放松自己。 Now you can watch your favorite movies in the comfort of your own home. 现在你可以舒舒服服地在自己家里看你最喜欢的电影了。2  emotional 情感的 [uncountable]COMFORT/MAKE somebody FEEL BETTER if someone or something gives you comfort, they make you feel calmer, happier, or more hopeful after you have been worried or unhappy 安慰,慰藉 → comforting Whenever he was upset, he would turn to her for comfort and advice. 他每当心烦意乱时,就会去向她寻求安慰和建议。give/bring/provide/offer comfort a book which offers comfort and help to the parents of children with cancer 一本给子女罹患癌症的父母提供安慰和帮助的书 The knowledge that Cara was safe gave him some comfort. 知道卡拉没有危险给了他些许安慰。great/much/little comfort My faith has been a source of great comfort over the years. 这些年来,信仰给了我极大的安慰。take/draw/derive comfort from (doing) something He drew comfort from her warm support. 他从她热心的支持中获得了安慰。find/take comfort in (doing) something You can take some comfort in the fact that you did your best. 你已经尽了最大的努力,从这一点你可以得到些安慰。it’s no/some comfort It was no comfort to think he might be as frightened as she was. 想到他也许和她一样害怕,她无法宽下心来。if it’s any comfort (=used to introduce a statement that you think may make someone feel slightly less worried or unhappy) 就当是安慰吧 Well, if it’s any comfort, I don’t think he’ll try again. 嗯,就当是安慰吧,我认为他不会再试一次了。3  SB/STH that helps 有用的人/物 [countable]COMFORT/MAKE somebody FEEL BETTER someone or something that helps you feel calmer, happier, or more hopeful after you have been worried or unhappy 安慰者;慰藉物 → comfortingbe a comfort (to somebody) Louisa’s been a great comfort to me since Mary died. 自从玛丽去世后,路易莎对我是莫大的安慰。 It’s a comfort to know there’s someone to keep an eye on the kids. 知道有人照料着那些孩子,心里就有了安慰。4  money/possessions 钱/财产 [uncountable]COMFORTABLE a way of living in which you have all the money and possessions that you need or want 舒适,安逸 → comfortablein comfort When Dad died, he left us both enough to live in comfort for the rest of our lives. 爸爸去世时留给我们俩足够的钱,可以让我们以后的生活过得舒舒服服。 He was used to a life of comfort. 他过惯了安逸的生活。5  comforts [plural]COMFORTABLE the things that make your life nicer and more comfortable, especially things that are not necessary 使生活舒适之物;奢侈品 Modern caravans offer all the comforts of home. 现代旅行拖车具有所有豪华家居生活设备。 hotels with all the modern comforts (=things such as a television, telephone etc) 拥有各种现代化舒适设施的宾馆material comforts (=money and possessions) 物质上的舒适条件 → creature comforts6  too close/near for comfort DANGEROUSsomething that is too close for comfort makes you feel worried, unhappy, or uncomfortable, because it is dangerous in some way 近得使人担忧[不快,不适] The cars were whizzing past us much too close for comfort. 汽车紧贴着我们身边呼啸而过,令我们提心吊胆。7  cold/small comfort COMFORT/MAKE somebody FEEL BETTERa small piece of good news that does not make you feel better about a bad situation 不起作用的/小小的安慰cold/small comfort for/to Another drop in the inflation rate was cold comfort yesterday for the 2.74 million jobless. 昨天通货膨胀率的再次下降对274万失业人员而言起不了安慰的作用。 → comfort food, comfort zonen COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: if someone or something gives you comfort, they make you feel calmer, happier, or more hopeful after you have been worried or unhappyverbstake comfort from somethingThe family has taken comfort from the support of friends.draw/derive comfort from something formal (=take comfort from something)Economists have been quick to draw comfort from the latest figures.find/take comfort in somethingHe had been through a similar experience and she found comfort in that.offer (somebody) comfortVolunteers are available to offer comfort and advice.give (somebody) comfortIt was impossible to give her any comfort.bring (somebody) comfortReligious belief can bring comfort during times of stress.provide comfortTalking about your problems may provide some comfort (=look for comfort)People come to us seeking comfort and guidance.adjectivesgreat comfortYour letters have been a great comfort to me.cold/small comfort (=not much comfort)The tax changes will provide cold comfort to people living on a pension.phrasesa word of comfortHe tried to find some words of comfort that would help her.a source of comfortSome people eat as a source of comfort.a crumb of comfort (=a very small amount)‘You’re no worse than the rest, ’ the football coach said, trying to offer me a crumb of comfort.if it’s any comfort (=used to say something that may make someone less worried or unhappy)If it’s any comfort, you very nearly passed the exam.comfort + NOUNcomfort food (=food that you eat to make you feel relaxed and happy)I find pasta and cheese is a great comfort food.Examples from the Corpuscomfort• After he became rich, he lived a life of idleness and comfort.• And there are other things about my job that remind me too much of Ghostbusters for comfort.• Emily goes to a women's group for comfort and emotional support.• We opted for comfort and retired to our favourite chippie for lots of it.• Jesse Jackson has had entree to those countries and could be perceived as giving comfort to them.• Your letter brought me great comfort after John died.• Her faith gave her comfort during a very difficult time.• I was even earning enough to support myself in modest comfort.• She was no longer a threat to him, but a source of comfort and hope.• The hotel staff made sure nothing disturbed our comfort or enjoyment.• Headroom isn't such a problem, though, and actual rear seat comfort is very good.• The family has taken some comfort from the fact that her conditions has stabilized.• It does not originate in the comforts of the comfort of• So the total number of dinners on the island is 200, eaten in the comfort of 90 huts.• There is no rest for the eye in the comfort of nothing.• One theory is that it awakens distant memories of floating in the comfort of the womb.• Once in the comfort of her room she'd look through her guide again for likely possibilities, she decided.• It does not originate in the comforts of religion.if it’s any comfort• If it's any comfort to you, he wouldn't have suffered much pain.It’s a comfort• It's a comfort to know there's always someone to keep an eye on the in comfort• How can retired people live in comfort?• If I had the wherewithal to live in comfort, I wouldn't fritter it away.comfort2 ●●○ verb [transitive]  COMFORT/MAKE somebody FEEL BETTERto make someone feel less worried, unhappy, or upset, for example by saying kind things to them or touching them 安慰,抚慰 → comforting Within hours of the news, Helen arrived to comfort her heartbroken friend. 得到消息几小时以后,海伦赶来安慰她那心碎的朋友。 He longed to take her in his arms and comfort her. 他很想把她搂在怀里安慰她。 Mr Aston’s father was last night being comforted by relatives. 昨晚亲戚们都在安慰阿斯顿先生的父亲。comfort yourself She comforted herself with the thought that it would soon be spring. 她安慰自己说春天很快就要来了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscomfort• Venus took her leave greatly comforted, but to make matters still more sure she turned for help to her son Cupid.• Lisa, in tears, was being comforted by her mother.• Come, be comforted, he shan't fright you.• He tried to comfort her by telling her that everything would be all right.• Bill stroked her hair gently, trying to comfort her.• Joyce did her best to comfort him, assuring him that it was not his fault.• We did our best to comfort him, but he was obviously very upset.• He ached to reach out and hold Tsu Ma close, to comfort him, but knew it would be wrong.• The two sisters hugged each other, sharing their grief and comforting one another.• Many people ignore this sign, comforting themselves that they probably brushed too hard.comfort yourself• She was damned to hell, of course, she comforted herself.• We comforted ourselves by saying that they never knew what hit them.• Your spirit and mine must have met to comfort each other!• Can we comfort ourselves with a freezer full of cells as species disappear and the wild itself becomes extinct?• Touch is a major way that babies comfort themselves, explore their world, and initiate contact.• To comfort myself, I take a long warm candle-lit bath.• Many people ignore this sign, comforting themselves that they probably brushed too hard.• Still, I comforted myself with the notion that I wasn't a coffee junkie.Origin comfort2 (1100-1200) Old French conforter, from Late Latin confortare “to strengthen”, from Latin com- ( → COM-) + fortis “strong”Comfortcom·fort1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1comfort2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  feel a of fabric Corpus clothes making (=liquid for type conditioner




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