单词 |
colonic |
释义 |
co·lon·ic /kəˈlɒnɪk $ -ˈlɑː-/ adjective relating to the colon 结肠的Examples from the Corpuscolonic• There have been no extensive studies of xenobiotic metabolising enzyme expression in colonic adenomas.• Figure 2 illustrates lysozyme mRNA in a colonic biopsy specimen from a patient with longstanding ulcerative colitis.• The six children with no colonic contractions had a hollow visceral myopathy and constipation.• Correlation with platelet count was particularly good in colonic disease.• The transit time in these patients was accelerated by a laxative, metoclopramide, and colonic lavage.• In colonic neuropathies contractions were present, but their gastrocolonic response was absent and there were fewer HAPCs.• The release of colonic regulatory peptides by bile salts does make physiological sense.co·lon·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable the relating to Corpus colon |
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- while you're about it
- while you're at it
- whiling
- whilst
- whim
- whimper
- whimpered
- whimpering
- whimpers
- whims
- whimsical
- whimsically
- whimsy
- whine
- whined
- whines
- whinge
- whinged
- whingeing
- whinger
- whinges
- whinging
- whining
- whinnied
- whinnies
- Used up
- Kingpin
- Implantation
- Detraction
- Implant
- Telepathic
- Scalene
- Boutique
- Lassitude
- Moratorium
- 仇远》原文与赏析
- 仇雠有善,不得不举;亲戚有恶,不得不诛。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 今
- 今不如昔的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 今不如昔;今非昔比的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 今东光作品分析
- 今之为举子文者,遇为学题目,每以知行作比,试思知个什么,行个什么。遇为政题目,每以教养作比,试问做官养了那个,教了那个。若资口舌浮谈以自致其身,以要国家宠利,此与诓骗何异?吾辈宜惕然省矣。
- 今之交乎人者,炎而附,寒而弃。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 今之人只将“好名”二字坐君子罪,不知名是自好不将去。分人以财者实费财,教人以善者实劳心,臣死忠、子死孝、妇死节者实杀身,一介不取者实无所得。试着渠将这好名儿好一好,肯不肯?即使真正好名,所为却是道理。彼不好名者,舜乎?跖乎?果舜耶,真加于好名一等矣;果跖耶,是不好美名而好恶名也。愚悲世之人以好名沮君子,而君子亦畏好名之讥而自沮,吾道之大害也,故不得不辨。凡我君子,其尚独,复自持,毋为哓哓者所撼哉!
- 今之众人其下圣人也亦远矣,而耻学于师,是故圣益圣,愚益愚。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 今之养生者,饵药、服气、避险、辞难、慎时、寡欲,诚要法也。嵇康善养生,而其死也,却在所虑之外,乃知养德尤养生之第一要也。德在我而蹈白刃以死,何害其为养生哉?
- 今之国语乡评,皆绳人以细行。细行一亏,若不可容于清议。至于大节都脱略废坠,浑不说起。道之不明亦至此乎?可叹也已!
- 今之教者,呻其占毕,多其讯言,及于数进而不顾其安。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 今之用人,只怕无去处,不知其病根在来处。今之理财,只怕无来处,不知其病根在去处。
- 今之论人者,于辞受,不论道义,只以辞为是,故辞宁矫廉而避贪爱之嫌。于取与,不论道义,只以与为是,故与宁伤惠而避吝啬之嫌。于怨怒,不论道义,只以忍为是,故礼虽当校而避无量之嫌。义当明分,人皆病其谀,而以倨傲矜陵为节概。礼当持体,人皆病其倨,而以过礼足恭为盛德。惟俭是取者,不辩礼有当丰;惟默是贵者,不论事有当言。此皆察理不精,贵贤知而忘其过者也。噫!与不及者诚有间矣,其贼道均也。
- Spirit句子
- Big deal句子
- Oracle句子
- Headway句子
- Transparency句子
- Turbulence句子
- Interface句子
- Antiskid句子
- Buggy句子
- Carol句子
- Presumption句子
- Tawdry句子
- Slosh句子
- Slop句子
- Straggle句子