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单词 coincident
释义  co·in·ci·dent /kəʊˈɪnsɪdənt $ koʊ-/ AWL adjective formal  TIME/AT THE SAME TIMEexisting or happening at the same place or time 同时[同地]发生的;同时[同地]存在的;巧合的coincident with The rise of the novel was coincident with the decline of storytelling. 小说的兴起和说书的衰落是同时发生的。Examples from the Corpuscoincident• The pursuit of profits and the social interest are therefore coincident.• Normally, creation and authorship are coincident in time.• Finally, consider the transformation between frames momentarily coincident in velocity near a massive spherically symmetric body.• The R-word appears to be a coincident indicator, turning at roughly the same time as output.• Diarrhoea occurs coincident with emergence about a week after primary infection and up to one year after reinfection.• This results in short positive pulses coincident with the core switching transitions to select the desired pickup of coil signals.• What is coincident with the modal's event is the infinitive event's potentiality, not its actualization.• This zonation is coincident with the subcrop of the concealed high heat production Caledonian Weardale·in·ci·dent adjectiveChineseSyllable  same happening at or existing Corpus place or the




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