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单词 codex
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingco·dex /ˈkəʊdeks $ ˈkoʊ-/ noun (plural codices /-dəsiːz/) [countable] technical  TCNan ancient book written by hand 〔古籍的〕手抄本 a sixth-century codex 一本公元6世纪时的手抄本Examples from the Corpuscodex• If you are lucky you might get a codex thrown in for a good measure for telecomms application.• One thousand years ago the Mayans were cranking out codices not dissimilar to today's illustrations.• Consult the codex of our heritage a little more, d'Arquebus.• The codex secretariat has pressed governments to encourage more consumer groups to attend.Origin codex (1500-1600) Latin “main part of a tree, piece of wood for writing on, book”co·dex nounChineseSyllable   Corpus by an written book hand ancient




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