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单词 cocksure
释义  cock·sure /ˌkɒkˈʃʊə $ ˌkɑːkˈʃʊr/ adjective old-fashioned  CONFIDENTtoo confident of your abilities or knowledge, in a way that is annoying to other people 过于自信的,自以为是的 He seemed rather too cocksure for my liking. 他似乎太自以为是了,我不喜欢。Examples from the Corpuscocksure• She sounds confident, but not cocksure.• Berton was a powerful personality, a cocksure businessman with a fast-talking line in hard sell.Origin cocksure (1500-1600) cock word used to avoid saying “God” ((14-19 centuries)) + surecock·sure adjectiveChineseSyllable  confident a Corpus or knowledge, of way your abilities too in that




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