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单词 cluck
释义  cluck1 /klʌk/ verb  1. SOUND[intransitive] if a chicken clucks, it makes a short low sound 〔鸡〕咯咯叫2  [intransitive, transitive]SYMPATHIZEDISAPPROVE to express sympathy or disapproval by saying something, or by making a short low noise with your tongue 发啧啧声〔以示同情或不以为然〕 Edith clucked her tongue impatiently. 伊迪丝不耐烦地咂着舌头。cluck over/around etc She stood clucking over the baby. 她站着啧啧地逗宝宝。 —clucking adjective clucking noises 咯咯响的噪音→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscluck• Once could not genetically engineer a duck to make it cluck.• Generally silent, but drakes cluck and squeak during courtship.• Loopy Lil clucked anxiously around like a pigeon.• Jessica clucked her tongue in sympathy when she saw his bruised arm.• He clucks his tongue to make the noise.• The young man clucked, poured himself more champagne, and drank it.cluck2 noun [countable usually singular]  1. SOUNDa low short noise made by chickens 〔鸡的〕咯咯声2  SYMPATHIZEDISAPPROVEa sound made with your tongue, used to show disapproval or sympathy 〔表示不满或同情的〕啧啧声 a disapproving cluck 不赞同的啧啧声3. dumb/stupid cluck American English a stupid person 蠢蛋,傻瓜Examples from the Corpuscluck• Loretta pushed her hair back from her face with a cluck of impatience.• Mrs. Newman shook her head with a disapproving cluck.• Now Artemis heard something, something feathery shaking itself, and then clucking, in a low, solemn cluck.Origin cluck1 (1400-1500) From the soundcluck1 verbcluck2 nounChinese  a clucks, makes chicken if Corpus it




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