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单词 clothes
释义 Word family  noun clothes clothing adjective clothed ≠ unclothed verb clothe  Related topics: Clothes & fashion, Clothesclothes /kləʊðz, kləʊz $ kloʊðz, kloʊz/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [plural]  CLOTHESthe things that people wear to cover their body or keep warm 衣服,衣物 What sort of clothes was he wearing? 他穿着什么样的衣服? I showered and put on clean clothes. 我淋浴后穿上干净的衣服。 He was still in his work clothes. 他仍然穿着工作服。 a clothes shop 服装店 → a change of clothes at change2(6), → plain-clothes5 GRAMMAR 语法• Clothes is a plural noun and has no singular form. clothes 是复数名词,没有单数形式He needed some new clothes (NOT 不说 a new clothe/clothes).他需要一些新衣服。n GRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?• Clothes is a plural noun. If you want to talk about one shirt, one sock etc, you say a piece of clothing or an item of clothing.• Clothes is always followed by a plural verb: All my clothes are packed and I’m ready for my trip. COLLOCATIONSverbswear clothes 穿衣服She always wears beautiful clothes. 她总是穿得很漂亮。be dressed in … clothes 穿着…的衣服The man was dressed in ordinary clothes. 那男人穿着普通的衣服。put your clothes on 穿上衣服I told him to get up and put some clothes on. 我叫他起来穿上衣服。take off/remove your clothes 脱下衣服She took off her clothes and slipped into bed. 她脱了衣服,溜上了床。change your clothes 换衣服I usually change my clothes as soon as I get home from work. 我通常下班一回家就换衣服。nphrasesa change of clothesHe only took a small bag with a change of clothes.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + clotheswarm clothes 保暖衣物If you’re walking in the mountains, take plenty of warm clothes. 如果在山间行走,要带上足够的保暖衣物。casual clothes 休闲衣服Most people feel more comfortable in casual clothes. 大多数人觉得穿休闲服更舒服。nevening clothesI don’t often have a chance to wear formal evening clothes.designer clothes (=made by a well-known designer) 名师设计的服装She spends hundreds of pounds on designer clothes. 她花很多钱购买名师设计的服装。somebody’s best clothes 某人最好的衣服They wore their best clothes for the photograph. 他们穿上最好的衣服照相。formal clothes 正式服装nIt’s best to wear formal clothes for an clothes 校服/工作服nWork clothes tend to be black, blue, or grey.nsports clothesLou was wearing sports clothes and sunglasses.ordinary/everyday clothes 普通/日常的衣服nEveryone else was wearing ordinary clothes.civilian clothes (=ordinary clothes rather than a military uniform) 平民装na US army lieutenant in civilian clothesbaby clothes 婴儿服na shop for baby clothesmaternity clothes (=for women who are having a baby) 孕妇装winter/summer clothes 冬装/夏装nThe shops are already full of winter clothes.nplain clothes (=ordinary clothes that the police wear in order not to be recognized)He was arrested by officers in plain clothes.clean clothes 干净的衣服nI had no clean clothes.ndry clothesYou’d better change into dry clothes or you’ll get cold.fashionable/trendy clothes 时髦的衣服nThe club was full of beautiful people wearing trendy clothes.nelegantItalian people are often admired for their elegant clothes.nold-fashionedI decided to throw out all my old-fashioned clothes.nsmart British EnglishDo you have to wear smart clothes to work?nscruffy (=dirty and untidy)She was poor and dressed in scruffy clothes.second-hand clothes (=not new) 二手衣服nCharity shops sell second-hand clothes at low prices.ndowdy (=unfashionable and unattractive)Dowdy clothes make you have less confidence in yourself. THESAURUSclothes noun [plural] things you wear to cover your body or keep you warm. Clothes is always plural 衣服〔clothes总是复数〕I like your clothes! 我喜欢你的衣服!Don’t throw your dirty clothes on the floor! 不要把你的脏衣服扔在地上!a clothes shop 服装店clothing noun [uncountable] used when talking in general about a type of clothes, or about making or selling clothes. Also used in the phrase a piece/item/article of clothing (=one of the things that someone wears) 服装,衣服〔统称,或用于谈论服装的生产或销售。也用于短语a piece/item/article of clothing(一件衣服)中〕You’ll need to take some warm clothing. 你需要带些保暖的衣服。It is important to wear protective clothing at all times. 任何时候都一定要穿防护服。a clothing manufacturer 服装制造商a clothing retailer 服装零售商Police found a piece of clothing in the bushes. 警方在灌木丛里发现一件衣服。nI took a change of clothing with me.garment noun [countable] formal one thing that you wear. Also used when talking about buying and selling clothes 衣服,服装〔指身上的穿着,也用于谈论服装的买卖〕a long velvet garment 一件长款天鹅绒衣服the garment industry 成衣行业garment workers 成衣工人garment factories 成衣厂dress noun [uncountable] a particular style of clothes. Don’t use dress on its own 〔某种风格的〕衣服〔不要单独使用〕Casual dress is not appropriate for an interview. 不宜穿休闲服参加面试。men in evening dress 身穿晚礼服的男子wear noun [uncountable] used about types of clothes sold in a shop, in the following phrases. Don’t use wear on its own 〔商店里出售的某种类型的〕服装〔不要单独使用〕children’s wear 童装sports wear 运动装casual wear 休闲装gear /ɡɪə $ ɡɪr/ noun [uncountable] informal clothes for a particular sport or activity 〔从事某种运动或活动时穿的〕衣服,衣衫She was wearing her running gear. 她穿着跑步装。nHave you got all your gear?wardrobe noun [singular] all the clothes that you own, or all the clothes that you wear at a particular time of year 〔一人拥有的或在某一季穿的〕所有衣服Her wardrobe consisted mainly of smart clothes for work. 她的衣橱里大部分都是上班穿的漂亮衣服。I will need a new summer wardrobe. 我需要购买新的夏装。nYou could win a complete new wardrobe!Examples from the Corpusclothes• Furniture and appliances, maps and globes, paints and clothes.• Most of it was toys and clothes.• You can pick up second-hand baby clothes very cheaply.• The princess arrayed herself in her best clothes and jewels.• It's hard to find clothes that fit me.• My mother always made us wear our good clothes for travelling.• I was given her clothes, which were too big and made the soldiers laugh.• He hadn't wondered where her clothes were when he'd returned to Primrose Cottage at the end of that autumn term.• Pete took his clothes off and went to bed.• I need to go buy some new clothes.• Dana always wears such nice clothes.• There are lots of clothes shops on Newbury Street.• We had to wash our own hair and mend our own clothes.• It was interesting to see everybody in their own clothes.• It showed a middle-aged man in the clothes of the late seventeenth-century.• The temperature should be around freezing tonight - it's time to get the winter clothes out.Origin clothes Old English clathas, plural of clath; → CLOTHclothes noun →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  people their wear the body that or things to cover Corpus




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