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单词 clothe
释义 Word family  noun clothes clothing adjective clothed ≠ unclothed verb clothe  clothe /kləʊð $ kloʊð/ ●●○ verb [transitive]  1  PUT ON CLOTHES formal to put clothes on your body 给…穿衣 SYN dressbe clothed in something The King was clothed in a purple gown. 国王身穿紫袍。fully/partially/scantily etc clothed The children lay on the bed, fully clothed and fast asleep. 孩子们和衣躺在床上,睡得很熟。2  PUT ON CLOTHESto provide clothes for yourself or other people 为…提供衣服 They could barely keep the family fed and clothed. 他们几乎无力为家人提供衣食。n Grammar Clothe is usually passive.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusclothe• Both wore silver chaplets and were clothed from head to toe in robes of gold.• In the Hindu tradition, a favorite devotional practice is the clothing of the images of the gods.• Let me clothe you in my righteousness as you bow before clothed in something• We were served swordfish clothed in a pale, creamy sauce.• I was clothed in black from head to toe six weeks after my eighteenth birthday.• The mutant is clothed in moist sacking only, and his skin is covered in most places with thick green scales.• A little farther on, the walls are clothed in pyracantha and Clematis orientalis.• The shift was an unbroken sixteen hours and the children were clothed in rags.• All the old rotten stumps and decaying fallen trees are clothed in their green.• And all the garments he was clothed in were not only untainted but still shone with their first newness and original brightness.• In spring its flesh was clothed in white flowers.• I didn't say so, because the idea was too unpleasant to be clothed in words and made visible.Origin clothe Old English clathian, from clath; → CLOTHclothe verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese  clothes your to Corpus on put body




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