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单词 close season
释义  Related topics: Other sports, Sportclose sea·son /ˈkləʊs ˌsiːzən $ ˈkloʊs-/ noun [countable] British English  1. DSOthe period each year when particular animals, birds, or fish cannot legally be killed for sport 禁猎期;禁渔期 OPP open season SYN American English closed season2. DSthe period of a year when particular sports are not normally played 〔体育运动的〕休赛季节Examples from the Corpusclose season• Last close season one of the small drains that I fish ran very clear.• He is one of nine players given winter contracts designed to prevent them seeking employment elsewhere during the close season.• Sheffield-born left-back Beresford came close to becoming a Liverpool player during the close season - until the Anfield side pulled out.• During the close season in 1974 a dry moat had been constructed and new barriers installed.• During the close season in 1990 the unthinkable happened.• Weekends we're usually booked up in advance, you see, even in the close season.close sea·son nounChineseSyllable  period particular birds, Corpus each when year or the animals,




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