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单词 clip
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Film, Weapons, Newspapers, printing, publishingclip1 /klɪp/ ●●○ noun  1  for fastening 用于固定 [countable]D a small metal or plastic object that holds or fastens things together 回形针;夹子 The wire is held on with a metal clip. 电线用金属夹子固定。 a wad of money in a gold clip 用金夹子夹着的一沓钞票 → Bulldog clip, paperclip →5 see picture at 见图 stationery2  film 电影 [countable]AMF a short part of a film or television programme that is shown by itself, especially as an advertisement 〔电影或电视节目的〕片段〔尤作为宣传广告〕 clips from the new James Bond film 詹姆斯•邦德系列电影新影片的片花3. gun 枪 [countable]PMW a container for bullets which passes them quickly into the gun so that they can be fired 子弹夹,弹匣4  at a good/rapid/fast etc clip FAST/QUICKquickly 迅速地,快速地 Traffic was moving at a good clip. 往来车辆行驶速度很快。5  cut 剪 [singular] British EnglishCUT the act of cutting something to make it shorter or tidier 修剪 I gave the hedge a clip. 我把树篱修剪了一下。6. a clip round the ear/earhole HIT British English informal a short hit on the side of someone’s head 一记耳光7. newspaper 报纸 [countable]TCN an article that is cut from a newspaper or magazine for a particular reason 剪报8. $100/50 cents etc a clip ALL/EVERYTHING American English informal if things cost $100,50 cents etc a clip, they cost that amount of money each 一次[每个]100美元/50美分等Examples from the Corpusclip• A friend sent me a clip from the Boston Globe.• I saw a clip from the new Michael Douglas movie on TV last night.• The world overflows with these rifles and their banana clips.• They showed a few clips from Mel Gibson's new movie.• The spring-loaded clips of looseleaf folders snap shut with a noise like revolver shots.• Fasten the microphone clip to your shirt.• The committee also is establishing an Inaugural Channel with up-to-the-minute news and multimedia clips on the inauguration.• a paper clip• Sherman thinks the economy is growing at roughly a 2 percent clip, a slow, but not a worrisome pace.• Some smashing clips were sabotaged by the usual sloppy Watchmaker research.• The police have released a video clip of the attack.• The sound and video clips included, though, are first rate, both in quality and variety.• The new software makes it possible to cut and paste sound or video clips from one application to another.clip2 ●●○ verb (clipped, clipping)  1  fasten 固定 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive]FASTEN/DO UP to fasten something together or to be fastened together using a clip 夹住,扣住clip something into/onto etc something A microphone was clipped to his tie. 一个麦克风夹在他的领带上。 a stack of bills clipped together 夹在一起的一沓钞票2  cut 剪 [transitive]CUT to cut small amounts of something in order to make it tidier 修剪;剪除 The hedges had just been clipped. 树篱刚修剪过。3  cut from newspaper 从报上剪下 [transitive always + adverb/preposition]CUT to cut an article or picture from a newspaper, magazine etc 〔从报纸、杂志等上〕剪下clip something out of/from something a cartoon clipped from a Minneapolis newspaper 从明尼阿波利斯市的一份报纸上剪下来的一幅漫画4  hit 打中 [transitive]HIT/BUMP INTO to hit something quickly at an angle, often by accident 〔常指意外地〕斜撞,撞击…的侧面 A truck swerved and clipped a parked car. 一辆卡车急转弯,猛地撞上了一辆停着的汽车的侧面。5  reduce 减少 [transitive]REDUCE to slightly reduce an amount, quantity etc – used in news reports 减少,减低〔用于新闻报道〕clip something off/from something Gunnell clipped a second off the world record. 冈纳尔将世界纪录缩短了一秒。6. clip somebody’s wings LIMITto restrict someone’s freedom, activities, or power 限制某人的自由[行动,权力]7. clip somebody round the ear/earhole HIT British English informal to hit someone quickly on the side of the head 打某人耳光8. ticket 票 [transitive]TT British English to make a hole in a bus or train ticket to show that it has been used 在〔车票〕上打洞[孔] SYN American English punch9. clip your words SPEAK A LANGUAGEto say words in a quick, short, and not very friendly way 〔不友好地〕简短急促地说话→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusclip• John once again had his wings clipped.• I only had some teeth that clipped in, and I messed with my hair.• When Travel Weekly comes in the mail, I can clip the stories I want to file.• The outer is then draped over and clipped to the base of inner.• The remote control was clipped to the sun visor and he pressed the button.• Review: I sought these out, because the coupon I had clipped touted a cooking method on the grill.clipped together• His task was made easier by the fact that the papers were clipped together in small bundles.clip something out of/from something• Inspired, I clipped it out of the paper and taped it to my bedroom door.• Kate regularly saves up to $7 with coupons she's clipped from the paper.clip something off/from something• Lewis clipped a second off the world record.Origin clip1 1. (1400-1500) → CLIP212. (1800-1900) → CLIP22 clip2 1. Old English clyppan “to hold tight, hug”2. (1200-1300) Old Norse klippaclip1 nounclip2 verbChinese  metal plastic holds Corpus or a small object that




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