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单词 climber
释义  Related topics: Other sports, Gardening, Plantsclimb·er /ˈklaɪmə $ -ər/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  DSOCLIMBsomeone who climbs as a sport 登山运动员 a mountain climber 登山运动员2  CLIMBa person or animal that can climb easily 善于攀爬的人[动物] Monkeys are good climbers. 猴子是善于攀爬的动物。3. DLGHBPa plant that grows up a wall or other structure 攀缘植物 → social climberExamples from the Corpusclimber• At the base, we're looking at the photos of celebrity climbers.• an experienced climber• Support comes from a team of three experienced climbers and a paramedic.• Why so many climbers unwittingly created so much visual pollution?• Who makes a profit from cramming more climbers on to our cliffs?• The search is still continuing for a group of climbers reported missing in the Scottish highlands.• The astronauts shape up before their missions by working with small weights, and doing exercises designed for rock climbers.• The climbers who can be dangerous are always ego-driven, and I stay away from them.• Graham was a pioneer rock and winter climber before a broken leg turned him to sailing.climb·er nounChineseSyllable  as a who climbs sport someone Corpus




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