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单词 clapboard
释义  Related topics: Buildingclap·board /ˈklæpbɔːd $ ˈklæbərd, ˈklæpbɔːrd/ noun [countable, uncountable]  TB especially British English a set of boards used to cover the outside of a building, or one of these boards 〔建筑物的〕外墙护墙板,搭接板 clapboard houses 装有护墙板的房子Examples from the Corpusclapboard• a clapboard house• There was a picture of a village street, the houses were battered clapboard and there were a lot of horses around.• Bushes weigh their meted dollops, and the boxy clapboard churches are drenched and cleansed by a piquant light from the east.• Avant took Chandler through the white side of Crenshaw, with its neat clapboard homes and tidy front porches.• There it is-an old clapboard farmhouse against a gray sky.• Nailed over the doorway of the ramshackle clapboard frontage of the building was a large rectangular sign.• I wonder whether any of the clapboard houses I wander past is the house where it happened, where All killed herself.• In little villages it is often a white clapboard building with a hip roof and a bell tower.Origin clapboard (1600-1700) Part translation of Dutch klaphout, from klappen “to split” + hout “wood”clap·board nounChineseSyllable   of set Corpus to used a boards




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