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单词 clank
释义  clank /klæŋk/ verb [intransitive]  SOUNDif a metal object clanks, it makes a loud heavy sound 〔金属〕发出当啷声 A tram clanked past. 一辆有轨电车叮叮当当开了过去。 —clank noun [countable] —clanking noun [uncountable] the clanking of machinery 机器的当啷声→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusclank• A lay brother came by, keys clanking.• He drove it all day long, falling in love with every cough, clank, and knock of the engine.• The train's carriages clanked and rattled as it crept into the station.• Weights for barbells clanked in the backseat.• None the less, the ponderous inspection machinery clanked into action.• There were clanking noises coming from further within.• In the harbor, the boats' rigging clanked noisily in the high wind.• The ball clanked off the rim and toward the left corner.• The ball clanks off the rim like a cinder block; an ugly afterthought of a shot attempt.• Marcus could hear some shouting far away and close boots clanking on the metal walkway.Origin clank (1600-1700) Probably from the soundclank verbChinese  if clanks, metal makes Corpus a object it




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