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单词 air-to-air
释义  Related topics: Weaponsˌair-to-ˈair adjective  PMWshot from one plane to another while both planes are flying 空对空的 an air-to-air missile 空对空导弹Examples from the Corpusair-to-air• Armament underwing comprises a UV-16-57 rocket pod on the outer pylon and an inert AA-8 Aphid air-to-air missile on the inner pylon.• We revolutionized the air-intercept missile business in the 1950s with the first radar-guided air-to-air missile.• Will the Minister tell us what progress has been made on the procurement of air-to-air missiles for the aircraft?ˌair-to-ˈair adjectiveChineseSyllable  from both another one shot to plane Corpus while




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