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单词 churchgoer
释义  Related topics: Christianitychurch·go·er /ˈtʃɜːtʃˌɡəʊə $ ˈtʃɜːrtʃˌɡoʊər/ noun [countable]  RRCsomeone who goes to church regularly 按时去教堂做礼拜的人Examples from the Corpuschurchgoer• Janir looked as solemn as a churchgoer.• Now, however, he became a churchgoer too.• If this makes me a churchgoer, then so be it.• The average churchgoer gave £2.50 a week, 30p more than in 1989.• Proud parents and a mass of other churchgoers came in their wake.• Several sociological studies have shown that churchgoers have sharply lower levels of illegitimacy and divorce than others in the population.• This may seem meaningless to non-churchgoers and trivial to churchgoers since it is part of the Athanasian Creed recited every Sunday.• Nothing religious, for none of us were·go·er nounChineseSyllable   Corpus church goes regularly someone who to




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