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单词 Rapport
1. He had an excellent rapport with his patients.
2. He is in rapport with his pupils.
3. She felt an instant rapport between them.
4. He said he wanted "to establish a rapport with the Indian people".
5. The actor developed a close rapport with his audience.
6. She has an excellent rapport with her staff.
7. Father and son have a great rapport.
8. There was little rapport between the two women.
9. He had enjoyed a personal rapport with the former president.
10. The success depends on good rapport between interviewer and interviewee.
11. She understood the importance of establishing a close rapport with clients.
12. Therefore he felt a rapport with Ramsey.
13. Miss Madrigal and the girl develop a strange rapport.
14. Michael Caine and I always have a good rapport.
15. Empathy is another crucial ingredient when establishing rapport.
16. We had total rapport, infant and thespian.
17. There were larger things to worry about than rapport.
18. He established a good rapport with his students.
19. It establishes rapport between the speakers.
20. Melissa detected a growing rapport between them, and rejoiced.
21. They had been able to build a rapport with him, however.
22. I've always got plenty of instant coffee and rapport ... Maybe he was shy.
23. Victoria and Kay were so impressed with her rapport with the children that they asked her to work in the morning as well.
24. We'd worked together for years and developed a close/good rapport.
25. He always found he could build up a good rapport with children.
26. Honesty is essential if there is to be good rapport between patient and therapist.
27. He seems to have a good read on his players and good rapport with them.
28. Bley plays acoustic piano in duo with Steve Swallow, and their rapport projects extraordinary warmth on this delightful album.
29. The interviewer becomes an active listener, building up a rapport with the informant.
30. One of the most difficult problems in depth interviewing is that of establishing a rapport between respondent and interviewer.
1. He had an excellent rapport with his patients.
2. She felt an instant rapport between them.
3. We'd worked together for years and developed a close/good rapport.
4. He said he wanted "to establish a rapport with the Indian people".
5. She has an excellent rapport with her staff.
31. The rapport among masons, glaziers, painters, mosaicists and metal workers was complete and satisfying.
32. To maintain rapport in a postal survey we must always put ourselves in the position of the respondent.
33. You are lucky to have such a good rapport with your boss.
34. The encouragement given made for a great rapport with the class and gave a stimulus to improve the lectures.
35. As soon as Lexandro flexed a finger, his power gauntlet twitched in rapport.
36. His rapport is instantaneous: this big, good-looking black man, kind of funny, kind of smart.
37. Many a time he commented upon the mental rapport he found with his most intelligent animals.
38. This makes it much easier to integrate teaching and assessment, as well as helping us to build up a rapport with our trainees.
39. The other one thought the most important thing was good communications and rapport.
40. Alison and Johnny had an easy rapport that was clear to everyone.
41. One of the characteristics of Romantic literature is the interaction or rapport between man and nature.
42. Their personal rapport is no longer a popular subject with White House officials.
43. Smiling makes people feel good and positive, conveying a sense of good-will, rapport and trust. Dr T.P.Chia 
44. There seems to be a better rapport between players and officials now than in the past.
45. It was rare that Margarett had this sort of rapport with a woman.
46. In such cases, as in all human relationships, the presence or absence of personal rapport was a critical element.
47. Rapport, the community newspaper, describes it as wanton damage and wilful vandalism.
48. Some of the disadvantages are: It is more difficult to establish rapport on the telephone.
49. He has developed a rapport with Desmond, which so far does not exist between the proprietor and the Express.
50. Pete had established an amazing rapport with all the animals.
51. She formed a instinctive rapport with many patients, her efforts giving her a real sense of achievement.
52. The physician must establish a sympathetic rapport with the patient to help elucidate possible causes and contributing factors.
53. Barry and me had an almost mystical rapport when it came to stuff like this.
54. Try to build up a rapport with the judge. 12.
55. Therefore it was important to establish a rapport with Dilip as soon as possible.
56. Alison and Johnny have a rapport that will work well for their characters.
57. It is also important that the presenter be appropriate for the specific audience and be able to establish a rapport with them.
58. The ideal situation, of course(), would be to be empathic and in rapport with the horse.
58. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
59. Gradually they began building a rapport based on this mutual love for creating structures.
60. Before you do business with someone, it is important to establish a rapport.
61. There she became friends with Busoni and Klemperer and formed a life-long close rapport with another great singer, Lotte Lehmann.
62. Beck and Phil Woods, both virtuosi, have played together off and on for years, and their rapport is magical.
63. Yates used the off-camera relationship of the two stars to establish a rapport between them on screen.
64. Creating rapport then becomes a means by which to maximise the potential for the extraction of information from interviewees.
65. From her period of residential living she had developed a particular rapport with Henry.
66. Her son had called from college, and they were establishing some kind of rapport again.
67. His rapport with children makes his show the perfect family outing.
68. Obviously, rapport between you and your Rottweiler will be deeper if training is started while the dog is still quite young.
69. You will need to establish rapport quickly, so that they can trust you.
70. One day, perhaps, Putin will develop a similarly close rapport with Clinton's successor.
71. They do also help to achieve and sustain rapport and stimulate the respondent's thinking.
72. Third, and most important for the success of the networking, concerned the establishment of personal rapport between fieldworker and informant.
73. Rapport to most of us is less important than performance.
74. If you have a good rapport with a dealer, they will always let you have first refusal on anything interesting.
75. The fractionate QUICKLY from SUPERFICIAL to DEEP communication ( deep rapport ).
76. He is oversensitive – it's difficult to establish a rapport with him.
77. You have an intellectual rapport, a kind of easy companionship that makes me really jealous.
78. Considering his excellent rapport with Ferrara from their time as teammates, it's likely he'll be placed centre-stage.
79. We had a good rapport and we got on fantastically.
80. If you form a rapport with a retailer, the store will look after you over the years, even helping you to upgrade or trade-in watches while reducing the sting of depreciation.
81. His fluent Japanese has helped him build a rapport with Japanese companies.
82. Ms Bachelet 's warm rapport with voters made her a good campaigner.
83. The use of eye contact in building attraction and rapport was amazing.
84. The subsequent rapport between the two principals assisted the transition process.
85. In training, each pilot pupa pairs with a fighter's flight computer, and they develop an idiosyncratic, coordination-enhancing rapport.
86. Yet the overarching theme is rapport -- and establishing some.
87. We ask the Lord to grant us good fellowship and candid rapport.
88. Rather than putting undue pressure on yourself to overachieve , focus on getting a firm handle on your primary responsibilities, building rapport with colleagues, identifying potential mentors.
89. That might be ok in business or law (think John Houseman in Paper Chase) but for my classes and my teaching style, some level of rapport is crucial.
90. A common interest in gardening brought Molly and Loretta into closer rapport.
91. The Illinois senator has put together a close-knit team of aides to run his campaign and might prefer to run with someone with whom he already has an easy rapport.
92. We developed a high degree of trust and a considerable personal rapport.
93. He thinks that, with so many natural ties between San Antonio and Mexico, people assumed a rapport would flourish untended .
94. Conveying respect and being non judgmental are necessary ingredients for building rapport.
95. Fractionate from C & F to SUPERFICIAL communication ( light rapport ).
96. Les hommes politiques font du rattrapage acc é l é r é par rapport aux patrons.
97. He had never quarreled openly with Roosevelt but never felt a moment of rapport.
98. Rather than putting undue pressure on yourself to overachieve, focus on getting a firm handle on your primary responsibilities, building rapport with colleagues, and identifying potential mentors.
99. Like golf, running can help you establish an instant rapport with a new business connection.




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