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单词 childproof
释义  child·proof /ˈtʃaɪldpruːf/ adjective  something that is childproof is designed to prevent a child from opening, damaging, or breaking it 对儿童安全的;不会被儿童弄坏的;能防止儿童乱摸弄的 a childproof lock 儿童安全锁Examples from the Corpuschildproof• The padded fabric varieties are well and truly childproof - and look very attractive.• a childproof aspirin bottle• Where possible, only buy bleaches, disinfectants and floor cleaners that are fitted with childproof caps.• The cap had a childproof seal, and it was proving to be pretty Lucasproof as well.child·proof adjectiveChineseSyllable  is is designed to that childproof something Corpus




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