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单词 AI
释义  Related topics: ComputersAI /ˌeɪ ˈaɪ/ noun [uncountable]  TDthe abbreviation of artificial intelligence / artificial intelligence 的缩写 ,人工智能Examples from the CorpusAI• An AI Report examines the shadow between the promise and the reality.• It gives details of documents produced by AI since the beginning of 1988.• However, AI remains concerned that other political detainees continue to be held without charge or trial.• The systems that are the special concern of AI are systems employing symbolic representations, and their interpretative procedures are symbol-manipulating processes.• For over 25 years the department has been pioneering AI teaching.• Doug Lenat, the last of the old-school AI researchers, is still trying.• It is concluded that AI based systems have great potential in offering support to efficient system failure diagnostics.• The AI approach became feasible only within narrowly defined domains.From Longman Business DictionaryAIAI COMPUTINGabbreviation for ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEAI nounChinese   Business abbreviation of the Corpus




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