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单词 chauvinist
释义  chau·vin·ist /ˈʃəʊvɪnɪst $ ˈʃoʊ-/ noun [countable]  1  PREJUDICEDsomeone, especially a man, who believes that their own sex is better or more important than the other sex 本性别至上主义者;〔尤指〕大男子主义者 He’s a bit of a male chauvinist. 他有点大男子主义。 a male chauvinist pig (=an insulting name for a male chauvinist) 大男子主义蠢猪2. PREJUDICEDsomeone who believes that their own country or race is better or more important than any other 沙文主义者,本国[本民族]至上主义者 —chauvinist adjectiveExamples from the Corpuschauvinist• Anyone who says that is a chauvinist.• A female chauvinist approach might be to describe men as a kind of afterthought in the scheme of existence.• In a nation of committed male chauvinists, all this excitement may stimulate a desire to pinch a schoolgirl's bottom.• A self-confessed male chauvinist, he had no idea how to look after himself after his wife died.• It's just that male chauvinists were called sons of empire then.• Religious chauvinists have been the main cause of trouble in the province.• Beneath its denunciation of war and its apparent modernity there is the chauvinist roar of good and evil.• A motley crew for the most part, with the reputation of being beer-swilling, womanising chauvinists.male chauvinist• Who said his age excused him from being a male chauvinist?• In a nation of committed male chauvinists, all this excitement may stimulate a desire to pinch a schoolgirl's bottom.• The producer was Av Westin, who is a staunch male chauvinist, but there was absolutely no hesitation, no objection.• It's just that male chauvinists were called sons of empire then.• No wonder male chauvinists want to reclaim the sole right to do so.chau·vin·ist nounChineseSyllable  who especially Corpus a someone, believes man, that own their




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