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单词 hearing
释义 Word family  noun hearing hearer adjective unheard unheard of verb hear overhear  Related topics: Biology, Lawhear·ing /ˈhɪərɪŋ $ ˈhɪr-/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  1  [uncountable]HBHEAR the sense which you use to hear sounds 听觉have good/bad etc hearing She has remarkable hearing for a lady of her age. 相对于她这样年纪的女性来说,她的听力很不一般。 a child with a hearing disability 有听力障碍的儿童 → hard of hearing2  [countable]SCTTRIAL a meeting of a court or special committee to find out the facts about a case 审讯;聆讯;听证会 a court hearing 庭审 a disciplinary hearing 纪律聆讯3  CHANCE/BY CHANCE[countable usually singular] an opportunity for someone to explain their actions, ideas, or opinions 解释机会,表白机会 Let’s give both sides a fair hearing. 让我们给双方公平的解释机会。4  in/within somebody’s hearing HEARif you say something in someone’s hearing, you say it where they can hear you 在某人听力所及的范围内 There are some words we don’t use in the children’s hearing. 有一些词语我们当着孩子的面是不说的。n COLLOCATIONSverbshave good/bad etc hearingDogs have excellent hearing.lose your hearing (=become unable to hear)He lost his hearing as a child after suffering scarlet fever.affect/impair your hearing (=make your hearing worse)Listening to loud music will eventually impair your hearing.somebody's hearing gets worse (also somebody's hearing deteriorates)The medication seemed to make her hearing get worse.somebody's hearing goes (=someone becomes unable to hear)His hearing has gone in one ear.adjectivesgood/sharp/acute My hearing isn't as good as it used to be.Owls and other predatory birds have very acute hearing.bad/poorPoor hearing can affect your social relationships.impaired (=having problems with hearing)There are about 11,000 people in the UK whose sight and hearing are both severely impaired. normal He was born with normal hearing but became deaf at the age of 11.hearing + NOUNhearing lossMany older people suffer from some degree of hearing loss.a hearing problem/difficulty/impairmenta special telephone for people with hearing problemsphrasesbe hard of hearing (=not be able to hear well)The subtitling service is intended for people who are hard of hearing.Examples from the Corpushearing• The order resulted from an appeal hearing at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.• Industry feared that even quite harmless products might have to be subjected to lengthy and costly hearings as a result.• Paula lost her hearing after a tragic car accident.• My hearing's not very good - can you speak a little louder please?• My hearing isn't as good as it used to be.• Years of playing in a rock band had resulted in a loss of hearing.• Bats have a very powerful sense of hearing.• a public hearing• Thompson is seeking Senate approval for a $ 6. 5 million budget to conduct wide-ranging hearings later this year.• As a general principle it was recommended that hearings should be in public and that reasons should be given for decisions.• Who at this point remembers a single moment in the Whitewater hearings that transcended hyperventilating partisanship?a fair hearing• I ask hon. Members to give a fair hearing to the last few questions.• But right now, all I want is a fair hearing.• Attention is exclusively on the right to a fair hearing.• The audi alteram partem rule-the right to a fair hearing.• The Audi Alteram Partem rule-the right to a fair hearing.• He says that he feels it was a fair hearing.• Students could not win a fair hearing it seemed, but they did not pursue the matter any further at this time.From Longman Business Dictionaryhearinghear‧ing /ˈhɪərɪŋˈhɪr-/ noun [countable] a meeting of a court or special committee to find out the facts about a caseA court hearing is unlikely before the end of next year. → confirmation hearing → disciplinary hearing → public hearinghear·ing noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  to the sounds Corpus use Business you sense hear which




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