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单词 aground
释义  a·ground /əˈɡraʊnd/ adverb  run/go aground TTWif a ship runs aground, it becomes stuck in a place where the water is not deep enough 〔船〕搁浅Examples from the Corpusaground• Normally, the pilot would have been on board before the ship ran aground 100 yards off the Tower of Hercules navigation light.• The beach was long, flat and shelved so gently that no normal vessel could have come ashore without running aground.• At least 20 others were run aground, driven into sand bars by huge waves and winds topping 100 miles per hour.• The pirate station, which ran aground last November, is using equipment and records donated by listeners.• The captain and crew of the oil tanker that ran aground on the Galapagos have been arrested.• The casualty could be seen aground on the Mid Haisbro Sand, lifting slightly in the moderate swell.a·ground adverbChineseSyllable  it Corpus a if aground, becomes ship stuck runs




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