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单词 obsession
释义  ob·ses·sion /əbˈseʃən/ ●○○ noun [countable, uncountable]  OBSESSIONan extreme unhealthy interest in something or worry about something, which stops you from thinking about anything else 痴迷,着魔 Gambling became an obsession, and he eventually lost everything. 他迷上赌博,最后失去了一切。obsession with an unhealthy obsession with being thin 对瘦的病态追求 The current obsession with exam results is actually harming children’s education. 目前一味追求考试成绩的做法实际上对儿童教育有害。 The game pachinko became a national obsession. 弹珠机游戏已经风靡全国。 He has an enthusiasm for art, to the point of obsession in my opinion. 他对艺术很热衷,在我看来已经到了痴迷的程度。 She looked after him with a devotion bordering on obsession. 她尽心尽力地照顾他,简直到了沉迷的地步。 —obsessional adjectiven COLLOCATIONSverbsbecome an obsessionFor Rosie, losing weight had become an obsession.have an obsessionThe poet seems to have an obsession with death.border on/upon obsession (=be almost as extreme as an obsession)Sometimes his tidiness bordered on obsession.adjectivesa national obsession (=an obsession that the whole country has)In Britain, the weather is a national unhealthy obsession (=an obsession that is not normal)Our society seems to have an unhealthy obsession with staying young.a dangerous obsessionMark had a dangerous obsession with fast cars.a sexual obsessionSexual obsessions can take many forms.the modern obsession with somethingthe modern obsession with celebrities' livesphrasesbe something of an obsession (=be almost as strong as an obsession)The case became something of an obsession with the point of obsession (=used to say that something has stopped being a normal interest and become an extreme one)She was protective of her children, to the point of in the grip of an obsession (=have extreme feelings of interest in something or someone)At 15 I met Heather and instantly fell into the grip of an obsession.Examples from the Corpusobsession• Whatever its source, the desire to go there had become an obsession with her.• Julia's desire to stay slim has become an obsession.• The gay life becomes a traumatic and life-changing obsession.• Bowman has a dangerous obsession with speed.• Freeing the hostages became his obsession.• I knew that if I wasn't careful, my obsession for her could destroy me.• Not out of obsession with the abnormal; just for the pleasure.• Each group would be able to campaign for its particular obsession in public.• His real obsession was ever with the sensational effects of the titillating text.• Picasso's obsession with death and sickness greatly influenced his work.• Having undertaken the same journey in my own youth, I can testify to the authenticity of the obsession described.• This is the really menacing thing because in their obsession with proving themselves, they are pulling us all towards destruction.• Are your obsessions terrestrial or eternal?bordering on obsession• I mean, excitement is one thing, but this is bordering on obsession. 1 go over to his place.ob·ses·sion noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  something in interest or unhealthy an extreme Corpus




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