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单词 catch-all
释义  ˈcatch-all adjective  INCLUDEintended to include all possibilities 无所不包的;笼统的 a vague catch-all clause in the contract 合同中一条含糊、笼统的条款 a catch-all term 统称Examples from the Corpuscatch-all• Congress now seems inclined to settle temporarily for a catch-all budget measure that would freeze federal spending at current levels.• Some of the deepest cuts are in the catch-all category called domestic discretionary spending.• Despite its catch-all name, however, Docklands is far from homogeneous.• In our bakery, the one catch-all word for a perfect dough is vibrant.ˈcatch-all adjectiveChineseSyllable  possibilities to include intended Corpus all




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