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单词 carpet
释义  Related topics: Householdcar·pet1 /ˈkɑːpɪt $ ˈkɑːr-/ ●●● S2 W3 noun  1  [countable, uncountable]DH heavy woven material for covering floors or stairs, or a piece of this material 地毯 → carpeting, rug My bedroom carpet is green. 我卧室里的地毯是绿色的。 All the rooms had fitted carpets (=carpets cut to fit the shape of the rooms). 所有的房间都铺了全室地毯。2  a carpet of something literaryCOVER a thick layer of something on the ground 地上厚厚的一层东西 a carpet of flowers 满地的鲜花3  be/get called on the carpet American English informal to be criticized by someone in authority because you have done something wrong 〔因做错了事〕被上司叫去训斥 He was called on the carpet by his boss to explain his excessive spending. 他被老板叫去解释为什么会超支。 → magic carpet, → sweep/brush something under the carpet at sweep1(15)n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + carpet a bedroom/living-room etc carpetThe bedroom carpet was cream.a stair carpetWe need a new stair carpet.a fitted carpet (=cut to fit a room, and fixed to the floor)Do you prefer rugs or a fitted carpet?a wall-to-wall carpet (=a fitted carpet)Every room in the house had thick wall-to-wall carpets.a plush carpet (=thick and soft)I love hotels with plush carpets.thickThe thick carpet felt warm under her feet.threadbare/worn (=very thin and in bad condition)It was a dingy room with a threadbare carpet.verbsfit/lay a carpet (=cut it to fit a room and fix it to the floor)Will it cost extra to have the carpet fitted?Examples from the Corpuscarpet• The highlight of the sale was a carpet designed by Morris that sold for $ 180,000.• Two floors up, the red-headed woman lay face-down dead on her own bedroom carpet.• He unrolled a bit of green carpet and laid out a ring made of red and white rounds of painted wood.• I had no curtains, no carpets, because I was afraid of fire.• A true cat prefers to sharpen his claws on authentic imported oriental carpets, not cheap imitation knock-offs.• The parents hugged their youngsters, took them on to their laps, formed a circle on the carpet and joined in singing.• Rather than the carpets, curtains and video, this refers to the quality of relationships which should exist between parents and children.fitted carpets• If fitted carpets are to be moved, they will need to be prepared in advance.• Walls in dark, warm colours, with rich fitted carpets or traditional rugs make for a quietly splendid effect.Related topics: Householdcarpet2 verb [transitive]  1  DHto cover a floor with carpet 在…上铺地毯 The building has been carpeted throughout. 大楼里上上下下都铺了地毯。2  BLAME especially British English informal to talk in an angry way to someone because they have done something wrong 斥责,责备,责骂be carpeted for something Top officers were carpeted for bullying younger officers. 高级军官因欺负年轻军官而受到斥责。3  literaryCOVER if leaves, flowers etc carpet the ground, they cover it in a thick layer 〔树叶、花等〕厚厚地铺在〔地上〕be carpeted with something The whole garden was carpeted with daffodils. 花园里开满了黄水仙。n Grammar Carpet is usually passive.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscarpet• It was clean and quiet, carpeted and air-conditioned, and the students were gathered at six round tables.• Many well known buildings have been carpeted from these looms.• The hall was carpeted in a depressing shade of green.• Middlesex have twice had to carpet Ramprakash this season after astonishing flare-ups and another incident went unpunished.• Leaving by a window on the stairs, I was able to avoid the mud that carpeted the ground floor.• Nowadays you can carpet your whole house and pay nothing for six carpeted with something• They were carpeted with a faded red and blue runner held in place with brass stair rods and rings.• The floor of the wide valley was carpeted with hummocky grass.• Although the outskirts of the forest were carpeted with pine-needles, Kali led me higher and deeper into the trees.• In spring, the churchyard is carpeted with snowdrops and primroses.Origin carpet1 (1300-1400) Old French carpite, from Old Italian carpita, from carpire “to pull out”car·pet1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1carpet2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   floors or or heavy woven stairs, Corpus covering material for




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