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单词 careworn
释义  care·worn /ˈkeəwɔːn $ ˈkerwɔːrn/ adjective  WORRIEDlooking sad, worried, and tired 饱经忧患的,因操心而憔悴的 a careworn expression 忧伤的表情Examples from the Corpuscareworn• Swallow looks tired and careworn and slightly seedy.• He was pale, but his careworn expression could not disguise the malice in his eyes.• a careworn face• Benjamin walked back to get him, his old face looking more haggard and careworn than usual.• Staples has a reedy, careworn voice that is oddly uplifting, and his music has a country sense of space.• Or stretch her limbs and laugh at the careworn ways of her elders?care·worn adjectiveChineseSyllable  looking Corpus and tired sad, worried,




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