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单词 carbon neutral
释义  ˌcarbon ˈneutral adjective  if an organization or activity is carbon neutral, it takes the same amount of carbon dioxide out of the air, for example by planting trees, as it produces. This is done in order to avoid harming the environment 碳中和的,碳中立的〔指某机构或某活动以植树等方法抵消其排放的二氧化碳〕 Costa Rica wants to be the first developing country to become carbon neutral. 哥斯达黎加希望成为第一个碳中和的发展中国家。From Longman Business Dictionarycarbon neutralˌcarbon ˈneutral adjective cancelling the effect of the carbon gases that your activities produce, by planting trees, supporting the production of green electricity etcHSBC is the first big bank to commit to going carbon neutral, as it seeks to reduce its environmental impact.ˌcarbon ˈneutral adjectiveChineseSyllable  organization is if Business activity or neutral, it carbon an




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