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单词 car
释义  Related topics: Motor vehicles, Technologyldoce_800_pcar /kɑː $ kɑːr/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  TTCa vehicle with four wheels and an engine, that can carry a small number of passengers 汽车 Dan got out of the car and locked the door. 丹下了车,锁上车门。 He isn’t old enough to drive a car. 他还未到可以开车的年龄。by car I always go to work by car. 我总是开车去上班。 Coughlan was killed in a car accident. 科赫兰死于一场车祸。 →5  See picture of wing mirror BrE【英】/side-view mirror AmE【美】 侧后视镜, door 车门, doorhandle 车门把手 ...2. sleeping/dining/buffet car TTRa train carriage used for sleeping, eating etc 〔火车〕卧铺车厢/餐车/自助餐车3. American EnglishTTR a train carriage 〔火车〕车厢4. Tthe part of a lift, balloon, or airship in which people or goods are carried 〔电梯的〕升降厢;〔热气球、飞艇等的〕吊舱,座舱,货舱n GRAMMAR: Patterns with car• You say get in a car or get into a car: He got into the car and drove away. ✗Don’t say: get on a car• You say get out of a car: 下车We got out of the car to see what had happened. ✗Don’t say: get off the car• You say that someone is in a car: I like to listen to the radio when I’m in the car. ✗Don’t say: on a car• You go somewhere by car: It’s quicker to get there by car. ✗Don’t say: by a car COLLOCATIONSverbsgo/travel by car 开车出行I try to use public transport instead of going by car. 我尽量使用公共交通,不开车。get in/into a car 上车The man stopped and she got into the car. 那男人停下来,她上了车。get out of a car 下车He got out of the car and went into the newsagent’s. 他从车上下来,走进报亭。drive a car 开车In England you can learn to drive a car when you are 17. 在英格兰,到17岁可以学开车。nhave/own a carDo you have a car?nrun a car (=have a car and pay for the petrol, repairs etc it needs)People on low incomes can’t afford to run a car.take the car (=use a car to go somewhere) 开走汽车Is it all right if I take the car this evening? 今晚我把车开走行吗?park a car 停车She parked the car by the side of the road. 她把车停放在路边。back/reverse a car (=make it move backwards) 倒车Suzy backed the car into the driveway. 苏济把车倒进车道。nlose control of the car (=no longer be able to control its direction)He lost control of the car on a sharp bend.a car passes/overtakes somebody 一辆汽车超过某人A small black car overtook me on my left. 一辆黑色小汽车从我左边超了过去。a car drives off/away 一辆汽车开走The police car drove off at top speed. 那辆警车全速疾驰而去。a car pulls out (=moves away from the side of the road) 汽车驶离路边nA car suddenly pulled out in front of me.a car slows down 汽车减速nThe car slowed down and stopped outside our house.a car pulls up (=stops) 汽车停下nWhy’s that police car pulling up here?a car pulls over (=stops on the side of a road) 汽车靠边停下a car breaks down (=stops working because something is wrong with it) 汽车抛锚nOn the way home on the motorway the car broke car stalls (=stops working for a short time until you start it again)My car stalled at the traffic lights.a car hits something/crashes into something 汽车撞上某物nI saw the car leave the road and hit a car skids (=slides sideways in a way you cannot control)If it’s icy, the car might + NOUNa car crash/accident (also a car wreck American English) 车祸He was involved in a car crash. 他遭遇了车祸。a car park 停车场She couldn’t find a space in the car park. 她在停车场找不到车位。a car door/engine/key etc 车门/汽车引擎/汽车钥匙等nShe left the car engine running.nthe car industryThe car industry suffers in times of economic car manufacturer/makerHe works for the German car manufacturer, car driverEvery year 1500 car drivers and passengers die in road accidents.a car dealer (=someone who buys and sells used cars) (二手)汽车经销商nCar dealers reported a 4% drop in sales. a car chase 汽车追逐nThe best bit in the movie was the car chase through the crime British English 汽车罪案nCar crime in the area has risen car bomb (=a bomb hidden in or under a car)A car bomb exploded killing 33 people.ADJECTIVES/NOUNS + cara used/second-hand car (=one that is not new) 二手车nThe company locates suitable new and used cars for buyers.a sports car (=a low fast car) 跑车nHe was driving a red sports estate car British English (=one with a door at the back and folding seats) 客货两用车nOnce you have children, an estate car is very useful.a racing car (also a race car American English) 赛车nHe became a racing car driver.a police car 警车nThe vehicle was being chased by a police car.a company car (=one that your company gives you to use) 公司配车nShe was given a company car.a hire car British English, a rental car American English 租赁汽车nWe picked up a hire car at the airport.Examples from the Corpuscar• Cars were parked on both sides of the road.• Further reports on lighting and car loans will be presented to the council in coming months.• But that law can't be used to stop people selling heaters at car boot sales.• I stayed in the dining car, drinking a glass of red wine.• You can take my car to work today if you need to.• To make such trips affordable, students drive their own cars, following the teachers.• Out on the street the man escorted Lee to a green-and-white squad car.• That car collided with the vehicle in which Waltrick was riding.• The thugs stole £20 from his wallet before fleeing the car park at Reading, Berks.• He had trouble getting the car on the phone and he finally located one.• The car where Uday met his fate?From Longman Business DictionaryCARCAR FINANCEthe abbreviation for capital adequacy ratioOrigin car (1800-1900) car “carriage” ((14-19 centuries)), from Anglo-French carre, from Latin carruscar noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  and a with an wheels Business four vehicle Corpus




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