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单词 business studies
释义  Related topics: Educationˈbusiness ˌstudies noun [uncountable]  SEa course of study on economic and financial subjects and managing a business 商业学,商学n GRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?Business studies is followed by a singular verb: Business studies is now a popular subject.Examples from the Corpusbusiness studies• College had been a first degree in law at Berkeley followed by a year at Columbia in New York doing business studies.• One approach which is curiously similar to business studies in its view of the populace is that of some contemporary Marxism.From Longman Business Dictionarybusiness studiesˈbusiness ˌstudies noun [plural]COMMERCE the study of economic and financial subjects and managing a businessThe university offers a BA (Honours) degree programme in Business Studies.ˈbusiness ˌstudies noun →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business study Corpus course and financial of subjects economic a on




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