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单词 bundle
释义  Related topics: Computersbun·dle1 /ˈbʌndl/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  GROUP OF THINGSa group of things such as papers, clothes, or sticks that are fastened or tied together 捆,把,扎,束bundle of bundles of newspapers 一捆捆报纸 a small bundle containing mostly clothing 一个小包袱,里面主要是衣服► see thesaurus at group →4  See picture of 见图 bundle2  a number of things that belong or are dealt with together 〔属于同一类或需要一起处理的〕一批bundle of bundles of data 数据包3. computer software, and sometimes other equipment or services that are included with a new computer at no extra cost 〔计算机的〕软件包4  a bundle informal a lot of money 一大笔钱 College evening classes cost a bundle. 大学的夜间课程收费很高。 A company can make a bundle by selling unwanted property. 公司出售多余资产可以赚一大笔钱。5. be a bundle of nerves informalNERVOUS to be very nervous 极度紧张6  be a bundle of laughs/fun British English informalFUNNY an expression meaning a person or situation that is fun or makes you laugh, often used jokingly when they are not fun at all 〔指人或情况〕很有意思〔常为戏谑说法,表示并不有趣〕 Being a teenager isn’t a bundle of laughs. 十几岁的年龄可不是好玩的时候。7  not go a bundle on something/somebody DON'T LIKE British English informal to not like something or someone very much 不太喜欢某事物/某人 Jim never drank, and certainly didn’t go a bundle on gambling. 吉姆从不喝酒,当然也不热衷于赌博。Examples from the Corpusbundle• Now we find Quine saying that H is never a single hypothesis but a bundle of them.• a bundle of twigs• Here and there a darker bundle and a glint of jewelry.• She keeps all his old letters, tied up in bundles.• He put his hand on his pocket, and pulled out a large bundle of £50 notes.• Low branching and twisting then produces bundles of diverging and spreading fibrils which eventually fill out into the characteristic spherical structure.• My peeling, sunburnt nose resembles a small bundle of rags.• She held the bundle up and finished unwrapping it from its white sheet.• When we got there I helped her lift the bundles out, and again she tried to pay me for the ride.• The field at these sites is particularly intense, as if the magnetic flux lines have been tied into tight bundles.• Louis came from the stables with a blanket-wrapped bundle in his arms.Related topics: Computersbundle2 verb  1  [transitive always + adverb/preposition]PUSH to quickly push someone or something somewhere because you are in a hurry or you want to hide them 匆匆打发;把…乱塞bundle somebody into/through etc something They bundled Perez into the car and drove off. 他们把佩雷斯塞进汽车就开走了。2  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]GO British English to move somewhere quickly in a group 〔成群地〕快速赶往bundle into/through etc Six of us bundled into a taxi. 我们六个人匆匆挤进了一辆出租车。3  [transitive] to include computer software or other services with a new computer at no extra cost 〔销售新计算机时〕搭售,捆绑销售〔计算机软件或其他服务〕bundle something with/into something Microsoft can bundle Windows Vista at discounted prices with its popular desktop application programs. 微软公司可以用优惠的价格将Windows Vista和其畅销的桌面应用程序捆绑销售。bundle something together The company offered customers a single computer solution, bundling together hardware and software. 公司捆绑销售硬件和软件,为客户提供一套完整的计算机解决方案。4.bundle somebody ↔ off phrasal verb SENDto send someone somewhere quickly without asking them if they want to go 把〔某人〕匆匆打发走5 bundle somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb a) GROUP OF THINGS (also bundle something ↔ together) to make a bundle by tying things together 把…扎紧,把…捆上 Bundle up the newspapers and take them to the skip. 把这些报纸捆好扔进废物桶。b) (also bundle something ↔ together) to put different things together so that they are dealt with at the same time 把…集合起来 The lawsuit bundles together the claims of many individuals into one big case. 这场官司把许多人的诉讼请求汇成一个大案子。c) WEAR CLOTHESto put warm clothes on someone or yourself because it is cold (因寒冷而)给…穿上暖和的衣服 SYN wrap up People sat bundled up in scarves, coats, and boots. 人们坐着,身上裹着围巾和大衣,脚上穿着靴子。 against spectators bundled up against the cold 为御寒而裹得严严实实的观众→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbundle• Agents bundle four tires together and attach them to the back of the patrol vehicle.• Her friends managed to get her out of the pub and bundled her home.• Oh who cares, I thought, and tried to bundle her into the bag right away.• He had been bundled into the back of a Volkswagen by three masked men.• I bundle it away into its folder and shelve it.• I collected up the dirty washing and bundled it into the washing machine.• In desperation, WordPerfect has let Borland International, a Californian rival, bundle its word-processor into a software package.• Borland also will bundle some of its software with Microsoft products to help boost its sales.• I bundle the blind dummy out.• You bundle the brothers into warm coats, take them to Boston City Hospital.• We watched the men bundle up their parachutes and move off through the dense undergrowth, chopping at it with jungle machetes.bundle into/through etc• He left and came back with a brown bag that he threw the bundles into.• Put a bundle into a handkerchief and tie it on to the end of the string.• These tracheoles may be termed the larval or provisional tracheoles, and they extend in bundles into the developing lacunae.• A porter threw one of our bundles into the gutter.• Karr muttered something, then pressed a second tiny bundle into the man's hand.• Louis upended the bundle into the rainwater-butt.• The captain read the funeral service and the first mate raised the plank and tipped the small bundle into the water.From Longman Business Dictionarybundlebun‧dle1 /ˈbʌndl/ noun informal1[singular] a lot of moneyThe company made a bundle selling its old equipment to a smaller dealer.2[countable]MARKETING a group of products or services that are provided together with other products or servicesThe $849 bundle includes two copies of the software, cables, and an electronic mail application.bundlebundle2 verb [transitive]MARKETING to provide a product or service together with other products or servicesImage editing software is bundled with many digital cameras. —bundling noun [uncountable]interactive media services, a bundling of Internet, video-on-demand, and home shopping→ See Verb tableOrigin bundle1 (1300-1400) Middle Dutch bundelbun·dle1 nounbundle2 verbChineseSyllable  group that Corpus or papers, of as things sticks Business such a clothes,




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