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单词 bulky
释义 Word family  noun bulk adjective bulky  bulk·y /ˈbʌlki/ AWL adjective  1  BIGsomething that is bulky is bigger than other things of its type, and is difficult to carry or store 庞大的,笨重的,体积大的 a bulky parcel 笨重的包裹2  BIGsomeone who is bulky is big and heavy 又高又胖的,大块头的 Andrew is a bulky man. 安德鲁是个大块头。 —bulkiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusbulky• The boxes were bulky and difficult to move.• The web site proved to be a bit bulky and tough to maneuver during a weeknight trial run...• It had the proportions of a very large grand hotel such as the Plaza-very bulky and very low.• a bulky camera from the 1950s• Nowhere was it written that Macintosh would render Lisa an expensive and rather bulky doorstop.• The cellulose fluff, although more bulky, is just a parachute, to be discarded.• The door was opened by a tall, bulky man in his late sixties.• Bend down at the knees to pick up a bulky object, thus avoiding back strain.• The room was full of bulky old furniture.• a bulky package• The men were carrying bulky packages under their arms.• She wears an enormous white sweatshirt so bulky that she could have had it from Ludo.bulk·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  is bigger than bulky Corpus other that something is




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