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单词 agreed
释义 Word family  noun agreement ≠ disagreement adjective agreeable ≠ disagreeable agreed verb agree ≠ disagree adverb agreeably ≠ disagreeably  a·greed /əˈɡriːd/ ●●○ adjective [only before noun]  1  ACCEPTan agreed plan, price, arrangement etc is one that people have discussed and accepted 商定的,一致同意的 The important thing is to have agreed objectives. 重要的是要有一致的目标。2  be agreed AGREEif people are agreed, they have discussed something and agree about what to do 达成一致,一致同意be agreed on All parties are now agreed on the plan. 所有党派现在都一致同意这个计划。be agreed that We’re all agreed that we cannot spend what we have not earned. 大家意见一致,我们不能今天花明天的钱。n3. → AgreedExamples from the Corpusagreed• For the first half of the meeting the division was split into two large committees to work through the agreed agenda.• But gradually a mutual respect, based on agreed boundaries for each other's territory and mutual usefulness, built up.• The eight-day tie-up has been an agreed method within the Community during the current year.• The prisoners can each be sure of benefiting if they have a previously agreed pact never to confess, whatever the circumstances.• an agreed price for the wheat• Each order for goods or services then gives rise to a separate contract, subject to the agreed terms.• An agreed time for finishing each session can be an advantage, although this too must be flexibly interpreted.nAgreedused to check if someone agrees, or to show that you agree 好吗?〔用于核实某人是否同意〕;好的〔用于表示同意〕 ‘Let’s just forget it ever happened. Agreed?’ ‘Agreed.’ “我们把这一切都忘了吧,好吗?”“好的。”a·greed adjectiveAgreedLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  an etc Corpus plan, price, one people arrangement agreed that is




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