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单词 agree
释义 Word family  noun agreement ≠ disagreement adjective agreeable ≠ disagreeable agreed verb agree ≠ disagree adverb agreeably ≠ disagreeably  a·gree /əˈɡriː/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  1  same opinion 同样看法 [intransitive, transitive]AGREE to have or express the same opinion about something as someone else 同意,意见一致 OPP disagree Teenagers and their parents rarely agree. 十几岁的孩子跟父母意见很少一致。agree with If she felt he was right, she would agree with him. 如果她觉得他是对的,就会同意他的看法。agree that Most people nowadays would agree that a good pub is one of our best traditions. 如今大多数人都认为,一家好的小酒馆就是我们最好的传统之一。agree on/about We don’t agree on everything, of course. 当然,我们并不是对所有事情都有一致的看法。I quite agree/I couldn’t agree more (=I agree completely) 我完全同意 ‘We have to talk.’ ‘Absolutely, ’ Meredith replied. ‘I couldn’t agree more.’ “我们得谈谈。”“没错,”梅雷迪斯回答说,“我完全同意。”2  say yes 赞成 [intransitive, transitive]AGREE to say yes to an idea, plan, suggestion etc 赞成,赞同 OPP refuse I suggested we go somewhere for the weekend and she agreed at once. 我提议我们去某个地方度周末,她立即表示赞同。agree to do something No one really knows why he agreed to do the film. 没有人真的知道他为什么同意拍那部电影。agree to My sister won’t agree to our mother going into a nursing home. 我姐姐不会同意我母亲进养老院的。3  decide together 共同决定 [intransitive, transitive]AGREE to make a decision with someone after a discussion with them 达成一致;商定agree to do something We agreed to meet again the following Monday. 我们商定下周一再开会。agree on They managed to agree on a date for the wedding. 他们总算商定了婚期。agree that We agreed that elections would be held in May. 选举定于5月份举行。agree a price/plan/strategy etc We agreed a new four-year contract. 我们商定了一份新的四年期合同。n GrammarIn more formal English, you say it was agreed that when saying what people agreed: It was agreed that the post would be advertised.4  be the same 同样 [intransitive]SAME if two pieces of information agree with each other, they match or are the same 〔两条信息〕一致,相符agree with Your story doesn’t agree with what the police have told us. 你的叙述和警察告诉我们的不一样。5. agree to differ/disagree AGREEif two people agree to differ, they accept that they have different opinions about something and stop arguing about it 同意各自保留不同意见6 agree with something phrasal verb a) APPROVEto believe that a decision, action, or suggestion is correct or right 赞成,同意 I don’t agree with hitting children. 我不赞成打孩子。b) not agree with somebodyDFMI if a type of food does not agree with you, it makes you feel ill 〔某种食物〕不对某人胃口,某人吃了不舒服 Green peppers don’t agree with me. 我吃青椒会不舒服。c) SLGif an adjective, verb etc agrees with a word, it matches that word by being plural if the word is plural etc 〔语法上〕呼应,与…一致n GrammarReciprocal verbsAgree is a reciprocal verb. This type of verb is used when saying that two or more people or groups do something that involves both or all of them: Our parties agree on this. You can also say: Our parties agree with each other on this.My party agrees with yours on this.Prepositions with agreeagree with somebody/something• You agree with someone: I agree with Tanya. ✗Don’t say: I agree Tanya.• You agree with an opinion or statement: He agrees with this view. ✗Don’t say: He agrees this view. agree on/about something• People agree on or about a subject: My wife and I agree on most things.agree to something• You agree to a plan or suggestion: They agreed to all our proposals. ✗Don’t say: They agreed all our proposals.Using the progressiveAgree is not used in the progressive. You say: I agree completely. ✗Don’t say: I am agreeing completely. THESAURUSto say yes 表示赞成agree to say that you think that someone’s plan or suggestion is a good idea and you think it should happen 赞成,赞同Charles suggested going for a picnic, and we all agreed. 查尔斯提议去野餐,我们都赞同。The Council of Ministers would never agree to such a plan. 部长理事会决不会赞成这样一个计划。nFew people expect the rebels to agree to the peace plan.nWhen I proposed that in future we should hold our meetings in the bar, the others agreed wholeheartedly.say yes especially spoken to agree to do what someone has asked 同意〔某人的请求〕They asked if I would give a talk, and I stupidly said yes. 他们问我愿不愿意发言,我就傻乎乎地同意了。approve to officially agree to a plan or proposal 批准〔计划或提议〕Congress approved the plan by a large majority. 国会以大多数赞成票批准了这项计划。give your consent to say that you agree to something that will affect you, your family, or your property, when you have the legal right to say ‘no’ 〔对有权否决的事〕表示同意Her parents have given their consent to the marriage. 她的父母答应了这桩婚事。go along with something to agree with someone else’s plan or suggestion even though you are not sure if it is the right thing to do 同意,支持〔尽管不完全赞成〕He wasn’t very happy with the idea, but he decided to go along with it. 他对这个办法不太满意,但他还是决定表示支持。to have the same opinion 看法相同agree to have the same opinion as someone, or to think that a statement is correct 意见一致I totally agree with what you’ve just said. 你刚才说的我完全同意。nI completely agree with Chomsky when he says that humans are born with a special ability to learn language.Most experts agree that dieting needs to be accompanied by regular exercise. 大多数专家都认为,节食的同时要定期锻炼。be in agreement formal if people are in agreement, they agree with each other, especially after discussing something 〔尤指经讨论后〕达成一致nThe brothers are in agreement over the future of their company.The world’s scientists are in agreement that global warming is a problem that needs to be addressed. 全世界的科学家一致认为全球变暖是应该设法解决的问题。share somebody’s view/be of the same opinion formal to have the same opinion as someone, especially about an important issue 〔尤指在重要问题上〕同意某人的看法/看法相同A lot of people share his view that tourism will have a negative impact on the island. 许多人认同他的观点 — 旅游业会对该岛产生不利影响。Professor Dawkins is of the same opinion as Dr Jones. 道金斯教授和琼斯博士观点相同。nThey share the view that nuclear energy can play an important role in meeting global demands for energy.nAll three specialists were of the same opinion about the cause of her illness.concur /kənˈkɜː $ -ˈkɜːr/ formal to agree with someone or about something – a very formal word which is used especially in official contexts 意见一致,同意 〔非常正式的用词,尤用于公务场合〕The committee concurred with this view. 委员会同意这个观点。She asked her colleague, and she concurred. 她去问同事,同事表示同意。nWas it his aggression which set him apart from his rivals? ‘Possibly, ’ he concurred.nAs most biblical scholars concur, the letter could not have been written by any contemporary of Jesus.see eye to eye [not in progressive] to agree with someone about something – used especially in negative sentences 看法一致〔尤用于否定句〕We don’t always see eye to eye, but we do respect each other’s opinions. 我们并不是任何时候都意见一致,但是我们非常尊重彼此的看法。agree up to a point to partly agree with someone 部分同意〔某人〕I agree with you up to a point, but surely the situation is more complex than that? 我在某种程度上同意你的看法,不过情况当然比这要复杂吧?→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusagree• I think it's too expensive. Do you agree?• Right then, are we all agreed?• The project can't go ahead until the finance committee agrees.• Charles suggested going for a picnic, and we all agreed.• I'll have to check these calculations again -- the totals don't agree.• I suggested we move to Chicago and she agreed.• After a few minutes' discussion we had agreed a price and the car was mine.• Ultimately the two sides could not agree, and negotiations were abandoned.• "I wish it was time to go home." "I couldn't agree more."• The one thing all the parties agreed on was the need for fair elections.• Most experts agree that drugs like heroin can cause permanent brain damage.• It was agreed that the price should be fixed at $200.• Finally, after some tough negotiating, it was agreed that the workforce would be reduced by 10%.• If Brian agrees to buy the car, then changes his mind, can he withdraw his acceptance?• They agreed to meet up later in the week.• The Council of Ministers would never agree to such a plan.• Plant managers and the union agreed to take the Quality of Work Life effort plant-wide.• Few people expect the rebels to agree to the peace plan.• "Yes, I'm sure you're right, " agreed Tony.• Mr Johnson thinks it's too risky, and I tend to agree with him.• Lee agreed with Jackson that more opportunities should be created for minorities in film.• I also agree with Scott L.J.'s observations about the form of order that would be proper to be made.• Mr and Mrs Davenport accepted and agreed with the results of the psychological evaluation.• I agree with you about the color -- it looks awful.agree on/about• Morrison Knudsen and lenders agree on a plan to avoid a cash shortage.• The Government had failed to agree on a programme: Baldwin was for protection.• It is much easier to form a coalition against something than to agree on alternatives.• Federal and state ministers have met 20 times since the earlier massacres and failed to agree on change.• Neither side can agree on doctors or medical institutes to carry out tests.• Mike and I certainly don't agree on everything.• They could not agree on the Gulf conflict and seem to have no agreed middle east policy.• But, if the supporters are agreed on the principle of rotation, they disagree over the detail.• Most of us, I think, can agree on this.agree to• The rebels finally agreed to a ban on terrorist activity.• Both sides have agreed to a ceasefire.• Then, in an extraordinary move, five jurors and three alternates agreed to a news conference in the Santa Monica courthouse.• McCaskill left the California Angels on Saturday and agreed to a three-year contract with the Chicago White Sox worth over $6 million.• Friday, Corrections Department spokeswoman Gloria Isaac said the agency had agreed to cover the costs.• The conservatives surprised everyone by agreeing to defy the government and overspend by almost as much ... ten million.• They agreed to do nothing; self-winding up was inconceivable.• He agreed to restore the money once a testing bill he supported reached his desk.• After 17 years of failed development plans, the owner agreed to sell the site for community use.• In other words, Dounreay has agreed to store the spent fuel from research reactors for four years.• More schools in the area have agreed to support the Hamper Appeal.agree a price/plan/strategy etc• When people employ a builder to repair their house, they will probably want to agree a price beforehand.• That is, it may be easier to agree a price for a contract for clinical services than to assess cost or cost-effectiveness.• The two parties may agree a price for the land or ask an agent to act on their behalf.• Get your team around the table and agree a plan of action to give even more attention to detail.• The Link group acts as a forum for the major environmental issues and agrees strategies to combat existing problems.From Longman Business Dictionaryagreea‧gree /əˈgriː/ verb [intransitive, transitive]1to make a decision with someone after a discussion with themThey have agreed a price for the land.He has agreed a new two-year contract.agree to do somethingThe company agreed in principle to sell the paper mill to local managers.agree onThe companies agreed on the broad terms of a settlement.2to have or express the same opinion about something as someone elseThe management and the unions rarely seem to agree.agree withActually, I agree with Mike on this point.agree thatHe agreed that we need more time and resources. —agreed adjectiveThey are no longer prepared to pay the agreed agreed code of conduct→ See Verb tableOrigin agree (1300-1400) Old French agréer, from gré “will, pleasure”, from Latin gratus “pleasing”a·gree verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus to the express same opinion or Business have




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