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单词 strum
释义  Related topics: Musicstrum /strʌm/ verb (strummed, strumming) [intransitive, transitive]  APMto play an instrument such as a guitar by moving your fingers up and down across its strings 弹奏,拨弄〔吉他等弦乐器〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusstrum• The guitar player strummed along respectfully.• Budd, who has been strumming his acoustic guitar through the Midwest, writes introspective songs with a witty, sincere touch.• Mulcahey strummed his banjo and tapped the castanet again.• One of the minstrels strummed his banjo.• Mike Dawson was sitting at a dead computer, strumming the keyboard and offering a toothy smile to an invisible audience.• When we first started strumming, there was definitely a real affinity with the feel, so who knows?Origin strum (1700-1800) From the soundstrum verbChinese  a as to instrument play such an Corpus




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