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单词 brainstorm
释义  brain·storm1 /ˈbreɪnstɔːm $ -stɔːrm/ ●○○ noun  1  [countable usually singular] American EnglishIDEA a sudden clever idea 灵感,突然想到的妙计 SYN British English brainwave Kirby had a sudden brainstorm. 柯比突然有了灵感。2  CONFUSED[countable] British English informal if you have a brainstorm, you are suddenly unable to think clearly or sensibly 一时糊涂 I must have had a brainstorm that afternoon. 那天下午我肯定是一时糊涂了。Examples from the Corpusbrainstorm• Perhaps it was due to her feeling adrift, but she appeared to have suffered a brainstorm.• Have the clients brainstorm other ways they could achieve the desired effects without overdrinking.• He believes that the Bulls are an executive brainstorm, a tribute to the managerial skills of himself and owner Jerry Reinsdorf.• The researcher could share enthusiasms, be a shoulder to cry on and help brainstorm alternatives.• But a quick brainstorm with 50 further education lecturers on a part-time degree course revealed the same negative associations.• Perhaps the Secretary of State's warm endorsement was a temporary brainstorm?• Tanedo works individually with students, helping them brainstorm and write rough drafts.had a brainstorm• I had a brainstorm about the project last night.brainstorm2 verb [intransitive, transitive]  nto have a discussion or meeting with other people at work, to suggest a lot of ideas for an activity or for solving a problem Employees get together and brainstorm ideas some of which get developed and some don't.brain·storm1 nounbrainstorm2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  clever idea a Corpus sudden




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