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单词 box
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Measurement, Newspapers, printing, publishing, Theatre, Sport, Plants, Lawldoce_034_gbox1 /bɒks $ bɑːks/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  container 容器CONTAINER [countable]DTI a container for putting things in, especially one with four stiff straight sides 盒;匣;箱cardboard/wooden/plastic etc box a strong cardboard box 一只结实的纸板箱toolbox/shoebox/matchbox etc (=a box used for keeping tools etc in) 工具箱/鞋盒/火柴盒等 →5  See picture of jewellery box BrE【英】/jewelry box AmE【美】首饰盒, tin 金属盒, egg carton 蛋盒 ... →4  See picture of 见图 box2  amount 数量AMOUNT IN A BOX (also boxful) [countable]TM the amount of something contained in a box 一盒[一箱](之量)box of a box of chocolates 一盒巧克力3  shape 形状SQUARE SHAPETCN [countable] a) a small square on a page for people to write information in 方框,方格 Put an ‘X’ in the box if you would like to join our mailing list. 如果你想加入我们的邮寄名单,请在方框内打X。 b) a square or rectangle on a page where information is given or where an answer can be written 〔提供信息或填写答案的〕方框 The box on the left gives a short history of the battle. 左边方框内简要介绍了这场战役的经过。4  in a court/theatre etc 在法庭/剧院等中IN A THEATRE/COURT [countable]APTSCT a small area of a theatre or court that is separate from where other people are sitting 〔戏院的〕包厢;〔法庭的〕专席 the jury box 陪审团席 →5 see picture at 见图 theatre5  small building 小的建筑物 [countable] a small building or structure used for a particular purpose 小亭,岗亭 SYN booth a sentry box 岗亭telephone box 电话亭 British English6. at a post office 在邮局里box 25/450 etc TCMa box with a number in a post office, where you can have letters etc sent instead of to your own address 25号/450号等邮政信箱 SYN PO Box7  sports field 体育场地SPORTS FIELD [countable usually singular]DS a special area of a sports field that is marked by lines and used for a particular purpose 〔运动场上用线划定的〕区,特定区域 the penalty box 罚球区,禁区8. protection 保护WORN DURING SPORTS [countable] British EnglishDS a piece of plastic that a man wears over his sex organs to protect them when he is playing a sport, especially cricket 〔尤指板球运动员的〕下体护身,护罩9  tree 树TREE [countable, uncountable]HBP a small tree that keeps its leaves in winter and is often planted around the edge of a garden or field 黄杨〔一种常绿小树,常种植在花园或田野四周〕 a box hedge 黄杨树篱10  television 电视the box informalDHHTELEVISION/RADIO the television 电视 What’s on the box tonight? 今晚有什么电视节目?11. be out of your box DRINK British English informal to be very drunk or have taken an illegal drug 烂醉;吸毒 → black boxn COLLOCATIONStypes of boxa cardboard/wooden/plastic boxWe packed all our things into big cardboard boxes.a storage box (=for storing things in)Plastic storage boxes are useful for putting things in the attic.a toolboxThe hammer’s in the tool box.a shoebox (=that you buy shoes in)She used to keep photographs in old shoe boxes.a sandwich/lunch boxMost of the kids bring lunch boxes to school.a jewellery box British English, a jewelry box American EnglishA jewellery box had gone missing.a money box (=that children save money in)How much have you got in your money box?a cash box (=for keeping a supply of money in, for example in a shop)Thieves stole £100 from a cash box at the school.phrasesa pile/stack of boxesThere was a pile of boxes in the street outside the house.Examples from the Corpusbox• It comes from a collection of letters I found in a box at the top of the attic.• We need only your blue box.• I did not want to die impaled on a boom box during midair turbulence.• a cardboard box• For instance: Ban all polystyrene, such as packing chips, meat trays and some egg boxes.• the penalty box• The young Sri Lankan scorer in the press box awarded it to Manuel.• All the complex calculations are built into the software; all you do is enter the numbers in the right boxes.• the batter's box• I go back over the contents of the boxes, particularly some correspondence I had not examined.• After building your own machine you certainly will not be worried about opening the box!• The box on the left gives a short history of the Alamo.• Check this box if you would like information about our other products.• five wooden boxescardboard/wooden/plastic etc box• But there is also something worrying about a plastic box outwitting humans at this most cerebral of pastimes.• I carry Jack in a cardboard box and he seems relaxed as we have a quiet conversation in the dark.• For similar reasons, they enjoy playing with sand and cardboard boxes.• There was an ironing-board, two kitchen chairs and a couple of broken wooden boxes snaked around the front room.• They sat on bedrolls or collapsed cardboard boxes along Park Boulevard.• Buckingham Palace is at one end of the Mall, and at the other end people are sleeping in cardboard boxes.• The music was simply put into cardboard boxes and left in his brother's of• a box of chocolatestelephone box• Once we spent all day - somewhere near Pitlochry, I think - in a telephone box playing battleships.• How they connected it - he was on his way home and there's a telephone box.• There was a telephone box just outside; she had promised to call Anne.• They cluster around telephone boxes and the bus station, plotting to head north.• The first telephone boxes were designed by Sir Giles Scott in 1935, they were made of cast iron.• Until recently, 1p coins topped the league when it came to money lost in or near telephone boxes.• Look out for the old red telephone box which stands nearby.• And that phone call ... Part of it was overheard by one of the village ladies waiting just outside the telephone box.penalty box• The money is to go in a penalty box kept by Grandmother; the proceeds will go to a charity.• I can't help thinking that the battle in the penalty box tomorrow will be just as vital.• If two-minute penalties were handed out for four-letter words, Newman would still be in the penalty box.• The goal came off a throw-in from Joaquin Del Olmo to Blanco in the penalty box.• Officials sent offenders to the penalty box left and hedge• No suitable material came to hand for the box hedges.• This is a strongly conceived space, with the box hedge enclosing the area in a flowing curve.Related topics: Sport, Daily lifebox2 ●○○ verb  1. [intransitive, transitive]DS to fight someone as a sport by hitting them with your closed hands inside big leather gloves 〔拳击运动中〕击打2  (also box up) [transitive]DTI to put things in boxes 把…装入箱[盒]内 Help me box up the Christmas tree lights. 帮我把圣诞彩灯装进盒子。 → boxed3. [transitive]DRAW to draw a box around something on a page 〔在纸上〕给〔某物〕画框4. box somebody’s ears HIT/BUMP INTO old-fashioned to hit someone on the side of their head 打某人耳光5 box somebody/something ↔ in phrasal verb a) AROUND/ROUNDto surround someone or something so that they are unable to move freely 封堵 Someone had parked right behind them, boxing them in. 有人把车正好停在他们的后面,把他们给堵死了。b) feel boxed in a) LIMITto feel that you cannot do what you want to do because a person or situation is limiting you 感觉施展不开,感到被限制 Married for only a year, Connie already felt boxed in. 结婚才一年,康妮已经感觉受到了束缚。 b) MOVE/CHANGE POSITIONto feel that you cannot move freely, because you are in a small space 〔被困在狭小空间内而〕动弹不得6 box something ↔ off phrasal verb TBCto separate a particular area from a larger one by putting walls around it 把…圈上,将…隔开 We’re going to box off that corner to get extra storage space. 我们打算把那个角落隔出来,多一点储藏空间。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbox• She'd just box a few ears, knock a few heads together like she did with the Rattries, and chase them off.• Nearly all the pews were boxed in, the panels chest-height, narrow doors allowing entry.• I should be able to box Jerome.• Items like tea bags and cigarettes are boxed, then wrapped in cellophane.From Longman Business Dictionaryboxbox /bɒksbɑːks/ noun1think outside the box to think of ideas and solutions that are completely different and new, especially in businessIt’s always diffiult to think outside the box and come up with a good product name.2tick all the boxes/have ticks in all the right boxes if something ticks all the boxes, you think it is very good and exactly what you wantSony’s new high definition TV ticks all the boxes.Origin box1 (900-1000) Latin buxus, from Greek pyxis, from pyxos type of tree, whose wood was used for making boxes box2 1. (1300-1400) Origin unknown. 2. (1400-1500) → BOX1box1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1box2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  things a for in, putting container Business Corpus




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