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单词 excited
释义 Word family  noun excitement excitability adjective excitable excited exciting ≠ unexciting excitable verb excite adverb excitedly excitingly  ex·cit·ed /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/ ●●● S2 adjective  1  EXCITEDhappy, interested, or hopeful because something good has happened or will happen 兴奋的,激动的 Steve flies home tomorrow – we’re all really excited. 史蒂夫明天坐飞机回家——我们都非常激动。excited about Maria’s starting to get pretty excited about the wedding. 玛丽亚开始对婚礼感到十分兴奋。excited by/at We’re all excited by the prospect of a party. 想到要举行一场聚会,我们都很兴奋。excited to do something Michelle sounded excited to hear from him. 米歇尔收到他的信好像很兴奋。excited (that) I’m so excited that we’re going to New York. 我们要去纽约了,我很兴奋。 The food was nothing to get excited about (=not very good or special). 食物很一般,没什么特别。 excited crowds of shoppers 兴奋的购物人群2  NERVOUSvery nervous and upset about something so that you cannot relax 紧张不安的excited about There’s no point getting excited about it. We can’t change things. 没必要紧张,我们改变不了什么。3. SYSEXYfeeling sexual desire 性冲动的,有性欲的 —excitedly adverb People had gathered and were talking excitedly. 人们聚集在一起,兴奋地交谈着。 THESAURUSexcited feeling happy, especially about something good that has happened or is going to happen 〔尤指对业已或即将发生的好事〕兴奋的,激动的He’s excited about his new job. 他对自己的新工作感到兴奋。The kids always get excited on their birthday. 小孩子过生日总是很兴奋。nAn excited crowd watched their team win 3–0.nWhen we get home, the dogs are always excited to see us.nDoctors are very excited by the discovery.thrilled /θrɪld/ [not before noun] very excited and pleased 非常激动的,十分兴奋的She was thrilled to hear that you were in London. 听说你在伦敦,她非常激动。I was thrilled when they told me that I’d got a place on the course. 他们跟我说我得到了修读课程的名额,我欣喜若狂。exhilarated /ɪɡˈzɪləreɪtɪd/ [not before noun] very excited and full of energy, especially because you are experiencing something new or something that involves risks 〔尤因正在经历新事物或需要冒险的事物而〕兴高采烈的,异常兴奋的She felt exhilarated by her new freedom. 她为新获自由而激动不已。The climb left him feeling exhilarated. 那次登山让他感到兴奋不已。look forward to something to feel excited about something good that is going to happen and to think about it a lot 〔兴奋地〕期待[盼望]某事The kids are looking forward to their vacation – they’ve never been to California before. 孩子们盼望着这次假期——他们从未去过加利福尼亚。nShe’s really looking forward to meeting him.can’t wait to do something especially spoken to be very excited about something good that is going to happen 迫不及待要做某事I can’t wait to see him again. 我迫不及待地想再见到他。on the edge of your seat extremely excited and interested when you are watching a film, game etc, because you do not know what is going to happen next 〔观看电影、比赛等时因悬念而〕异常激动I was on the edge of my seat throughout the movie. 这部电影从头至尾都扣人心弦,我在整个观看过程中一直很激动。nThe game kept fans on the edge of their seats.on tenterhooks /ˈtentəhʊks $ -ər-/ very excited and nervous because you are waiting to find out what has happened 〔因等待揭晓所发生之事而〕紧张不安Don’t keep us on tenterhooks! Did you pass your test? 别让我们着急啦!你测验及格了吗?nrapturous [usually before noun] especially written rapturous behaviour shows that a large group of people are extremely excited and pleasedThey received a rapturous welcome.He came on the stage to rapturous applause (=everyone was clapping and cheering).Examples from the Corpusexcited• As she kissed him, he became more and more excited.• At first, Robert's father had got quite excited.• It was indecent, surely, to stand like this, in public, and feel so alive and so excited?• Steve's coming home tomorrow - we're all really excited.• How can you be so excited about a stupid computer game?• He was getting sexually excited, and his breathing became short and fast.• My husband came back excited and said he would be going out again late in the evening.• When I finally accepted that I create my own reality, I was excited but scared.• Doctors are very excited by the discovery.• Police tried to hold back the excited crowd.• The excited delegates ran to the rail.• crowds of excited football fans• He estimated the separation between the stripes of excited neurones from reported hallucinations to be 2 millimetres.• Don't get excited or you might be thumped, intellectually at least.• When Mattie gets excited, she starts talking really fast.• When we get home, the dogs are always excited to see us.excited about• The kids are really excited about our trip to Mexico.ex·cit·ed adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  will has good or something interested, because happened hopeful happy, or Corpus




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