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单词 bouncy
释义  bounc·y /ˈbaʊnsi/ adjective  1. HIT/BUMP INTOa bouncy ball etc quickly moves away from a surface after it has hit it 〔球等〕有弹性的,有反弹力的2  JUMPa bouncy surface is made of a substance that makes people move up and down when they are on it 〔表面〕有弹性的,弹力好的 The new bed is nice and bouncy. 这张新床很舒服,弹性很好。3. ENERGETICsomeone who is bouncy is always very happy, confident, and full of energy 〔人〕生气勃勃的,精神饱满的,充满活力的4. DChair or material that is bouncy goes back to its shape when you press it 〔头发或材料〕有弹性的 —bouncily adverb —bounciness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusbouncy• His walk is brisk and bouncy.• It's what makes your hair bouncy and pliable.• I love these bouncy chairs. They're really comfortable.• bouncy country music• This means they must be mounted on a strong flat base on a good floor - not bouncy floorboards.• To ease his anxiety, he forced himself to go a little faster, his lope bouncy from his hobbling knee.• A light, bouncy martial arts comedyadventure tailor-made for Chris Farley, the unlikeliest ninja of them all.• a bouncy ride over rough roads• Miguel scanned it as Spider hopped away from the car with his bouncy street shuffle.• More is needed from Keith Piper, a nimble, bouncy type of wicketkeeper who has already scored a first-class hundred.bounc·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  etc surface away bouncy ball from a moves a Corpus quickly after




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