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单词 lethargic
释义  le·thar·gic /ləˈθɑːdʒɪk $ -ˈθɑːr-/ adjective  TIREDfeeling as if you have no energy and no interest in doing anything 无精打采的,懒洋洋的 SYN lazy OPP energetic The hot weather was making us all lethargic. 炎热的天气使我们所有人都昏昏欲睡。► see thesaurus at slow —lethargically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpuslethargic• All this hot weather is making me feel lethargic.• Problems at home were making Will feel lethargic.• She has been feeling oddly lethargic all through the drills.• On the other hand, if we are under-stressed we will become lethargic and tired and psychosomatic illnesses could occur.• The lethargic Blues, however, deserved what they got today - nothing!• This did not necessarily mean that all local party chiefs in the minorities were also lethargic during 1922.• Patients with depression may be lethargic during the day and unable to sleep at night.• Lying in a crib, Mary was lethargic, fevered, and unable to swallow any liquids for four days.• The spectacular play inspired his lethargic teammates to start playing harder.• The more lethargic, weak and ill the infant, the greater is the urgency and need for expert advice.• For instance, you may be feeling depressed and lethargic, yet love the gentle, relaxing aroma of sandalwood.Origin lethargic (1300-1400) Latin lethargicus, from Greek, from lethargos “forgetful, lazy”, from lethe “forgetfulness” + argos “lazy”le·thar·gic adjectiveChineseSyllable  no Corpus energy have you feeling as if




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