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单词 book
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingbook1 /bʊk/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  printed pages 印刷品 [countable]TCN a set of printed pages that are held together in a cover so that you can read them 书,书籍 I’ve just started reading a book by Graham Greene. 我刚开始看格雷厄姆·格林写的一本书。 a cookery book 烹饪书book about/on a book about cats 关于猫的一本书2  to write in 写字 [countable]TCNWRITE a set of sheets of paper held together in a cover so that you can write on them 本子,簿子 a black address book 一本黑色通讯录 a notebook 笔记本3  set of things 成套的东西 [countable]GROUP OF THINGS a set of things such as stamps, matches, or tickets, held together inside a paper cover 成册[成套]的东西 a cheque book 支票簿4  books [plural] a) BBBaccounts 账目 written records of the financial accounts of a business 账目,账簿,会计簿 An accountant will examine the company’s books. 一名会计师将给公司查账。 a small firm that is having problems balancing the books (=keeping its profits and spending equal) 不能保持收支平衡的一家小公司on the books They have £50 billion worth of orders on the books. 他们账上有价值500亿英镑的订单。 → cook the books at cook1(3) b) jobs 工作BBC the names of people who use a company’s services, or who are sent by a company to work for other people 〔顾客或雇员〕名册on somebody’s books an agent with a lot of popular actors on his books 手上有许多当红演员的经纪人5  by the book OBEYexactly according to rules or instructions 一丝不苟地按照规定 She feels she has to go by the book and can’t use her creativity. 她觉得她只能照章办事,发挥不了自己的创造力。do/play something by the book The police were careful to do everything by the book. 警方很小心,一切都照章办事。6  a closed book UNDERSTANDa subject that you do not understand or know anything about 不理解的事,一无所知的事;谜 Chemistry is a closed book to me. 我对化学一窍不通。7. be in somebody’s good/bad books informalSATISFIEDANNOY used to say that someone is pleased or annoyed with you 令某人满意/恼火8. law 法律be on the books if a law is on the books, it is part of the set of laws in a country, town, area etc 写入法律9  part of a book 书的一部分 [countable]TCNPART one of the parts that a very large book such as the Bible is divided into 〔《圣经》等中的〕卷,篇,部book of the Book of Isaiah 《以赛亚书》10  in my book THINK/HAVE THE OPINION THAT spoken said when giving your opinion 依我看,在我看来 In my book, nothing is more important than football. 在我看来,没有什么比足球更重要。11  bring somebody to book SCLto punish someone for breaking laws or rules, especially when you have been trying to punish them for a long time 将某人绳之以法,将某人依法治罪 War criminals must be brought to book. 战犯必须绳之以法。 → statute book, → take a leaf out of somebody’s book at leaf1(2), → read somebody like a book at read1(16), → suit somebody’s book at suit2(5), → a turn-up for the book at turn-up(2), → throw the book at somebody at throw1(26)n GRAMMAR: Patterns with book• You read something in a book: I read about him in a book at school.• You say a book about a subject or a book on a subject: 不理解的事,一无所知的事;谜I like books about sport. ✗Don’t say: I like books of sport.• A book of essays, poems etc is one that contains several essays, poems etc: It’s a book of interviews with artists.• You say a book by someone: I’m reading a book by John Gray. ✗Don’t say: I’m reading a book of John Gray. COLLOCATIONSverbsread a book 读书What book are you reading at the moment? 你这阵子在看什么书?look through a book (=look at the pages quickly) 快速浏览[翻阅]一本书I looked through the book until I found the right section. 我翻了翻这本书,找到了所需的章节。write a book 写书He’s written several interesting travel books. 他写了几本很有趣的游记。publish a book 出版一本书The book is published by Penguin. 该书由企鹅出版社出版。a book comes out (=it is published for the first time) 一本书首次出版Everyone was waiting for the new Harry Potter book to come out. 人人都在等待新一部的《哈利·波特》出版。borrow a book (also take out a book British English) (=from a library) 〔从图书馆〕借书nYou can borrow up to six books from the library.return a book (=to a library) 归还图书〔给图书馆〕nPlease return all your books before the end of term.renew a book (=arrange to continue borrowing it from a library) 〔从图书馆〕续借图书nIf you need to renew a book, you can do it by + NOUNa book shop (also book store American English) 书店I got it from that little book shop in the village. 我是从村里那家小书店买到的。a book seller (=a person, shop, or company selling books) 书商;书店;图书公司High street book sellers are experiencing a drop in sales. 商业区大街的书店销量在下滑。a book token British English (=a ticket that you can use to pay for a book) 【英】书券She always bought me book tokens for my birthday. 她总是买书券送给我作生日礼物。a book review (=an article giving critical opinions of a book) 书评nShe had a book review published in the student magazine.a book fair (=an event at which publishers and authors show new books) 书展nthe introduction/preface/foreword to a bookIn the introduction to this book I referred to a conversation between myself and a young student. na section of a bookThe most useful section of the book is the list of suppliers of artists’ materials.phrasesthe cover of a book 书的封面His picture is on the cover of the book. 他的照片印在书的封面上。a chapter of a book 书的章节The first chapter of the book is about his childhood. 本书第一章讲述他的童年生活。 THESAURUStypes of book 书籍种类novel noun [countable] a book about imaginary people and events (长篇)小说The film is based on Nick Hornby’s best-selling novel. 这部影片是根据尼克·霍恩比的畅销小说改编的。a historical novel 历史小说fiction noun [uncountable] books that describe imaginary people and events 〔统称〕小说,虚构作品She reads a lot of romantic fiction. 她读大量的言情小说。literature noun [uncountable] novels and plays that are considered to be important works of art 文学(作品)I’m studying American literature at university. 我在大学里攻读美国文学。non-fiction noun [uncountable] books that describe real people and events 写实作品Men tend to prefer non-fiction. 男人往往喜欢读写实作品。science fiction noun [uncountable] books about imaginary events in the future or space travel 科幻小说reference book noun [countable] a book such as a dictionary or encyclopedia, which you look at to find information 参考书textbook noun [countable] a book about a particular subject that you use in a classroom 教科书,课本set book British English, course book British English noun [countable] a book that you have to study as part of your course 指定课本,教程guidebook noun [countable] a book telling visitors about a city or country 旅游指南npicture book noun [countable] a book for children with many pictures in ithardcover/hardback noun [countable] a book that has a hard stiff cover 精装书paperback noun [countable] a book that has a paper cover 平装书biography noun [countable] a book about a real person’s life, written by another person 传记autobiography noun [countable] a book that someone has written about their own life 自传recipe book/cookery book British English (also cookbook American English) noun [countable] a book that tells you how to cook different meals 烹饪书,食谱Examples from the Corpusbook• I'm reading a book about a little girl who was a slave in 19th century Atlanta.• Eric's reading a book by William Faulkner.• Seth was paging through a book.• She wrote a book of short stories, but it never got published.• a book by Charles Dickens• a book of matches• an address book• Do you have any books on astronomy?• We can not have the voluptuous strengths of new technology, but books have the attraction of maturity.• In September 1930, on a day selected by his grandmother, he opened an exercise book and waited for inspiration.• That is the sad story Jim Carlton tells in his forthcoming book about Apple Computer.• It's a pretty good book.• I think Muriel Spark is a great writer, I love her books.• His book had to be published by the obscure Middle Passage Press.• I went and got a library book about it.• a secondhand book dealer• The book was an immediate success.• Have you read this book?• What book are you reading at the moment?• It told me, he will write books of about/on• This, I emphasize, is not a book about military management.• But to leave it there is about as practical as learning to fly an aeroplane by reading a book on the subject.• Also, Marx did not write a book about the state and the political level.• a book about plants• A book on the subject has been commissioned for publication in 1987.• He braked for drugs, booze, and hookers, and wrote a good book about a bum existence.• A: He called to ask how people were liking the book about his execution.• The books about children with ponies were books from the library.• Here we were in a restaurant where books on croquet lay scattered around the of• the Book of GenesisRelated topics: Performing, Police, Law, Footballbook2 ●●○ S3 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]BUY to make arrangements to stay in a place, eat in a restaurant, go to a theatre etc at a particular time in the future 预订,预购,预约 → reserve Have you booked a holiday this year? 你今年有没有预订去度假? The flight was already fully booked (=no more seats were available). 这个航班已经订满了。 To get tickets, you have to book in advance. 你必须提前订购才能买到票。 The show’s booked solid (=all the tickets have been sold) until February. 这个演出2月份之前的票已全部售罄。2  [transitive]AP to arrange for someone such as a singer to perform on a particular date 预约〔某人〕演出 The band was booked for a benefit show in Los Angeles. 这支乐队约好在洛杉矶举行一场义演。3  be booked up a) if a hotel, restaurant etc is booked up, there are no more rooms, places, seats etc still available 〔酒店、餐馆等〕订满,被订完 The courses quickly get booked up. 这些课程很快便满额了。 b) if someone is booked up, they are extremely busy and have arranged a lot of things they must do 〔某人〕时间排满 I’m all booked up this week – can we get together next Friday? 我这个星期都排满了,我们下个星期五再聚好吗?4  [transitive] to arrange for someone to go to a hotel, fly on a plane etc 为〔某人〕预订〔酒店、航班等〕 I’ve booked you a flight on Saturday. 我给你订了星期六的航班。book somebody on/in etc I’ll book you in at the Hilton. 我会给你在希尔顿酒店预订房间。5  [transitive]SCPSCL to put someone’s name officially in police records, along with the charge made against them 〔警察〕把…记录在案 Smith was booked on suspicion of attempted murder. 史密斯涉嫌企图谋杀被立案。6. [transitive] British EnglishDSF when a referee in a sports game books a player who has broken the rules, he or she officially writes down the player’s name in a book as a punishment 〔体育裁判〕记名警告7 book in (also book into something) phrasal verb DLT British English to arrive at a hotel and say who you are etc 〔到达旅馆后〕办理入住登记手续 SYN check in Several tourists were booking in. 有几名游客正在办理入住手续。n COLLOCATIONSbook + NOUNbook a holidayPeople often book their holidays in a tripI booked the whole trip on the a flightHe picked up the phone and booked a flight to a ticketIt’s cheaper if you book your train ticket in a table (=in a restaurant)I’ll book a table for 7.30 tomorrow a room/hotelRoss found a good hotel and booked a a seatShe booked me a seat on the 9 am a place on somethingStudents are advised to book a place on the course early.adverbsbook earlyWe recommend you book early to avoid (well) in advanceThere are only 20 places, so it is essential to book well in online (=on the Internet)It’s much easier to book tickets fully booked (=all the seats, tickets etc are sold)I’m afraid that show is fully booked solid (=all the seats, tickets etc are sold for a long period)The restaurant’s booked solid for the whole of the Christmas period.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbook• Now, on Montana highways, you can really book.• I booked a table for two at 8:00.• But if you can book a ticket, the fare is good for nearly a year.• You'll have to book by tomorrow if you want the lower price.• Nelson was booked for a tour of Japan in August.• I did not book his seat.• I was booked in San Diego last night, you know?• So he set the play in a hotel room, and Frank and Betty Spencer were the honeymoon couple who booked in.• Dawkins was booked on suspicion of attempted murder.• The open-top bus can be booked, the extra supplies of silver polish ordered.booked solid• It is booked solid, but not overbooked.• Not only have they been booked solid for months for convention week, but their meeting rooms are jammed with lavish receptions.• A bed and breakfast was booked solid for the dates I wanted, and the proprietor of it suggested the Ridgemount.• The Cody band may find itself booked solid once it gets to Washington on Jan. 18.• Classes are booked solid , with many students unable to get the courses they need.From Longman Business Dictionarybookbook1 /bʊk/ noun1books [plural]ACCOUNTING the accounting records of a businessSYN ACCOUNT BOOKS, BOOKS OF ACCOUNTThe company’s books are in such chaos that we won’t know the truth for some time. → cash received book → duplicate book → purchase (day) book → sales day book → sales returns book2books [plural]MANUFACTURING a list of a company’s clients and orders for goodsThe company has 100 firm orders for two different aircraft on its books.3books [plural]HUMAN RESOURCES a company’s records of the people working for itThe 206,000 employees on its books last summer have now fallen to 185,000.4a book containing an official record or list → bank book → log book → minute book → plat book → rule book → statutory book5FINANCE a list of the bonds, shares etc that a dealer has to offer at a particular timeMarketmakers were running down their books ahead of the holiday.6manage/run a bookFINANCE to be responsible for organizing a SECURITIES ISSUE (=when new bonds, shares etc are sold)the financial services company that will run the book for the floatbookbook2 verb [transitive] ACCOUNTING to enter a figure in a company’s account booksThe restructuring charge is to be booked in the company’s second-quarter accounts.→ See Verb tableOrigin book1 Old English bocbook1 noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1book2 verb →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese   Business of that in together a are held set pages Corpus printed




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