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单词 bonsai
释义  bon·sai /ˈbɒnsaɪ, ˈbəʊn- $ bɒːnˈsaɪ, ˈbɑːnsaɪ/ noun [countable, uncountable]   HBPa tree that is grown so that it always stays very small, or the art of growing trees in this way 盆景,盆栽(艺术) →4  See picture of 见图 bonsai —bonsai adjectiveExamples from the Corpusbonsai• I came first to the Flat Garden, with its bonsai azaleas, temple statuary, and a stunning view of Portland.Origin bonsai (1900-2000) Japanese “tray planting”bon·sai nounChineseSyllable  so that grown that Corpus always stays it tree a is




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