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单词 bondage
释义  Related topics: Sociologybond·age /ˈbɒndɪdʒ $ ˈbɑːn-/ noun [uncountable]  1  LIMITthe state of having your freedom limited, or being prevented from doing what you want 束缚,限制 the bondage of early motherhood 刚刚做母亲时所受的束缚2  literarySS the state of being a slave 奴役in bondage Since the age of 13, he had been in bondage. 他13岁起沦为奴隶。3. SYthe practice of being tied up for sexual pleasure 〔以被捆绑寻求性快感的〕性受虐癖Examples from the Corpusbondage• Financial bondage is caused by a lack of contentment and poor stewardship.• Like his father he recognized the evil in human bondage.• The adoption of the Constitution resulted from a compromise that overlooked the problem of human bondage.• How typical of Graham, mused Celestine, I bet half the class is thinking of bondage.• This was the bondage that Langford was free of, having gone over to stills work: he traveled very light.• But we ask far more of you before your bondage is at an end.• Like some fantastic prison, where you could drink so deeply and so long that you forgot your·age nounChineseSyllable  limited, the state of Corpus your freedom having




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