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单词 bomb scare
释义  Related topics: Weaponsˈbomb scare noun [countable]  PMWSCPwhen people have to be moved out of a building because there may be a bomb there 炸弹恐慌 a bomb scare in Central London 伦敦中心区一起炸弹恐吓事件Examples from the Corpusbomb scare• The previous day also the factory was evacuated after a bomb scare.• Apparently there had been a bomb scare recently.• Cross-channel ferries held up by a bomb scare ...• Following the find, the centre was evacuated again because of a bomb scare which police believe was a hoax.• She says that they were told that it was a bomb scare.• No, not the usual boring bomb scare, but a cultural occasion of enormous significance.ˈbomb scare nounChineseSyllable  moved to have Corpus out people when be




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