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单词 bollocks
释义  bol·locks /ˈbɒləks $ ˈbɑː-/ noun [plural] British English spoken informal  1  WRONG/INCORRECTSTUPID/NOT SENSIBLEused to say rudely that you think something is wrong or stupid 胡闹;废话 SYN rubbish Your lyrics are complete bollocks; they don’t actually mean anything, do they? 你的歌词完全是废话,什么意思都没有,不是吗? She’s just talking a load of old bollocks. 她简直是一派胡言。2  ANGRYa word used to emphasize that you are annoyed or angry 太糟糕了〔用于强调厌烦或生气〕 Oh, bollocks! We’ve missed it. 真糟糕! 我们没有赶上。3  bollocks to you/that/it etc spoken informal REFUSEused when you refuse to accept or obey something 妄想〔表示不接受或不服从〕 Yeah? Well, bollocks to you too, mate! 是吗? 哼,老兄,你也休想!4. HBHthe two round male organs that produce sperm 睾丸 SYN testicleExamples from the Corpusbollocks• Maybe so, but this is bollocks.• On the radio whenever Leeds have possession they seem to waffle on about a load of bollocks.• Today is the day for those who think the election is a load of old bollocks to register their presence.• We bet the Marquis De Sade never had to put up with bollocks like that.a load of old bollocks• Today is the day for those who think the election is a load of old bollocks to register their presence.Origin bollocks Old English beallucas “testicles”bol·locks nounChineseSyllable  think Corpus you rudely that say to used




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