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单词 boathouse
释义  Related topics: Water, Leisureboat·house /ˈbəʊthaʊs $ ˈboʊt-/ noun [countable]  TTWDLa building beside a lake or river where boats are kept 〔水边停放船只的〕船库Examples from the Corpusboathouse• At Angle in Pembrokeshire the first new slipway and boathouse to be built for 31 years is to be constructed.• No one goes in the boathouse much and it's a high place.• Finding a rugby ball, they practised drop kicks in the boathouse, much to Jurgen's annoyance.• Although, by the time we reach the boathouse we look like refugees.• Half trotting, not thinking at all, she hurried down the slope to the boathouse.boat·house nounChineseSyllable  building a river boats are Corpus beside a lake where kept or




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